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The fireplace lit up the common room , the orange flame blazed and warm up the sorroundings ,  the golden trio are pacing at the fireplace with Aurora while other students are busy minding their own bussiness to each other. Harry flipped the book to another page and kept on reading. 

"I need to go , guys.." , Aurora stood up at the couch and leave the trio. Hermione's eyes followed her until she went out of the door. 

"She did it again..."

"The what ?"

"She was always in the rush.. like there is something ..  "


"She is up to something. Remember the time that she used to hang out with us just for a few minutes and then she would go ... like she was always in a hurry..."

"We have given her a chance to speak up , right?" , the chosen one nod. "And have you noticed that she was doing it again?"

"Well , maybe?.. I mean she has privacy which does not mean all the time she would stay where she was going or what she would do."


"But we aren't sure if what she's planning to do ,mate." , Ron stock a whole mini pie into his mouth glancing at Hermione.  "Maybe one day , you will be found laying somewhere without us." 

"It won't happen." , he chuckled.

"With our best hopes , it wouldn't.."

Aurora was sitting at the end of her bed while looking at her wrists , her dark mark was moving which says it was time. She apparate and arrived at the halls of Malfoy manor. At the end of the table , the Dark Lord was sitting , welcomed her with a smile as she sit at the chair. In front of her are the Malfoys.

Above them was a woman floating. Her eyes are wet with tears. Aurora quietly observed how the Dark Lord break Lucius' wand in front of her. She gazed at Draco that was really terrified of him , their eyes meet at each other at the moment and they both understand what they feel.

The meeting has ended and Draco pulled Aurora at the dark corners of the manor. He was so mad that the girl showed up in that meeting. His emotions was boiling while she looked at Aurora in her eyes but his knees felt weak after realizing that it was the girl that he loved. 

He pulled her in his arms , giving a tight embrace. Aurora placed her hands gently at his back. Finally , the feeling that she longed for again; Home. They seperated at each other as he held the girls' cold hands.

"Do not tell something to mum that we ended up..." , he whispered.

Aurora didn't bother him at all and never say any words. She apparated back into her room and didn't showed up with the Malfoys. She attended her class just like normal days , Riddle was always at her side but they seperate when she had classes. They seldom have a fight with each other and ended up being together again. 

The golden trio watch her from afar with Riddle. His arms wrapped in her waists as they pass by the field to watch the quidditch match. Hermione darted her eyes at Aurora who's irritated because Theo was talking to another girl. 

"Harry , have you remember the time that her and Theo splitted up?"..

"What about that? "

"After the two splitted up , that girl that Theo used to flirt at the party was killed.. you remember it?" , Mione glanced at Theo.

"Maybe it was just a good coincidence."

"Oh come on , don't you ever say that you are defending that girl."

"Mione , we do not have proofs just to blame her that she did all of it. There was also a tendency that someone can frame her up so that the blame is in her."

"Good point... I will find it out myself then.."

"I'll go with you.." , Ron agreed. 

"That would be dangerous. You two can get killed if ever..."

"I would take risks. I just want to know what's the truth behind all of this."

"Okay .. okay , i'll go." , Mione smiled.

That night , the three observed the raging crowds. Riddle and Aurora came in , they gaze at the other side where Malfoy glared at the two who walked in while having a conversation. 

"Fancy a drink?.. " , she grabbed the glass that Theo offered her and drink it. The boys around them cheered when she gulped the drink by seconds. Vir also watched the two having fun , stealing the spotlight while dancing at the center. Aurora didn't care if people if people would give her a disgusting stare , all she know is that she was there to enjoy a party.

Awhile later , the two have an argument. The golden trio have catch a glimpse of Aurora leaving Theo at the couch as Cormac followed her out.  After a minute , Draco put his glass at the table and followed the two.

Her eyes was teary when she walked out of the party due to the argument that Theo and her did. Aurora didn't like to see Theo grabbing other girl's butt which makes her jealous. She then realized that Draco was way too better than him. She sat at the floor and started to sob as Cormac approached her and gave the girl a hug. 

" Shh... it's fine.." , she buried her face at Cormac's shoulders. When realized that it was Cormac, she pushed the guy away from her.

"Why the fuck are you here?"

"I -i was.."

"Go away , Cormac!.."

"Look... I am just trying to help you."

"Help? and what makes you think I need your fucking help? I can handle myself and i don't need you!"

She walked away from him but he grabbed her arms and dragged her to the wall. He held both of her hands while giving her a kiss. Aurora fell at his trap and started sucking his lips. He kissed her jawline up to her breast. She dug her nails in his nape as he gave a kiss mark near her collarbone. Cormac unzipped his pants , showing her dick right in front of her . She immidiately jerked and fixed the falling strap of her dress.

"That's enough.." , she breathed heavily. 

"Wait? why? .. I mean you liked it at first?"

"I don't like it , Cormac... "

"Don't be pathetic , Aurora.. I know you wanted it , that is why I am helping you."

"Help? is that what you called help?"

"Well , yeah. I am just being helpful here... "

"Help? by flashing your dick in front of me?! I am not stupid , Cormac.. now leave me alone."

"Huh really?!.. okay fine , I just want to fuck you but don't be  such a killjoy!..Your personality is so boring!.."

"Ugh? excuse me?"

"Every guy in that party just want to fuck you... don't you get it? That Riddle? , he just want to fuck you... every guy does!"

"Shut your bloody mouth , you cunt!"

"What now? you are offended just because you are denying that Riddle fucked you?.." , he laughed. 


"I knew it! ... don't act as if you didn't tasted any dicks!.." , he chuckled. Draco apparated and punched Cormac's face. He fell down at the ground without a conciousness. She ran into her arms , finally being safe again from harm. His warm hands slide at her back , kissing her forehead saying 'you are now safe'.

Dark Legacy [Draco Malfoy / Mattheo Riddle]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin