chapter one

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Aaliyah's POV

My nerves are taking over. Years upon years of working as an extra in small productions, led supporting roles in mid-sized ones and now finally, in my mid-20s I'm gunning for the main character in a massive musical.

I know I have what it takes but I'm also aware that doesn't mean I'm the best. The production is supposed to be one of the most record-breaking of the year, predicted to smash everything else out of the park, a clichéd romance tale adapted from a young-adult book. A ploy to 'reinvest the youth in theatre'. I read the book when I first heard one of my favourite choreographers would be working on the play. It wasn't my normal type of reading material but I could see the words coming off the page and transforming into a captivating production. I've been working on perfecting myself to fit the vision of the role since my audition tape got accepted but tomorrow is the first of a three day audition process and I'm hoping I've done enough.


My brain can't focus and my hands are already shaking despite the fact I have hours left. I'm the biggest over thinker in existence, a product of my anxiety-filled teenage years and my last boyfriend, Jason, who drilled into me that acting was a waste of a career.

Luckily, I'm a dreamer and he was dick.

I know if I work hard then it won't be a waste and the mark I've made in the industry since he cheated on me for the second time and I walked out is more than enough proof of that. Being work- focused is why I'm where I am right now and I wouldn't have it any other way.

My closest friends Val and Jackson are dragging me out of my flat tonight because they know how nervous I can get the night before an audition and I'm beyond grateful for them. With an hour to go before they'll arrive at mine, I organise everything I'll need for tomorrow. I hang my outfit for tomorrow on the handle of my wardrobe then I go through a mental checklist of everything I have to take with me: a snack and water- in the fridge, my journal and my purse - already in my bag and finally an extra headshot and resume- on the printer. I move through to the living room to grab them, carefully putting them in my bag.

Glancing at the clock, I move over to my mirror, I don't have time to re-do my makeup. I puff my cheeks out, staring at my reflection before deciding to just top up my lipstick and mascara. As soon as I put the mascara wand up to my eye I feel my nose start to tickle as if I need to sneeze. Desperate to not get mascara all over my face I scrunch my nose up, but it's worth nothing as the sneeze makes my entire face flinch, black marks appearing over my eyelid and my cheek.

As any sane person would do in this kind of situation I burst into tears. Stress and fucking up your makeup are not a good combination.

I sigh, tipping my head back and staring at the ceiling.

Once I've collected myself, I stand up to get my makeup remover from the bathroom. Resolved to having to redo my makeup, I attempt to get back into a good mood. Apparently the universe is against me today because as I open the drawer, it catches on the wire of my hair dryer causing it to slide off of my counter and straight onto my foot.

'Fuck' I exclaim, breathing in harshly in an attempt to keep calm.

'Ally? Are you okay?' I hear Jackson walking through my apartment.

'Yes, I'm great. Just dropped something, don't worry,' I reply through a forced smile.

'Are you sure babe? Are you ready to leave? Val is almost here!'

'Kind of?' I respond, my voice rising in panic as I attempt to fix my face. I put some cleanser on a cotton bud and dab at the mascara, successfully removing it and salvaging my makeup. I apply a bit of concealer under my red eyes and walk out of the bathroom to grab my outfit, quickly changing.

'Don't stress yourself babe, you're going to smash that audition now lets go forget about it for the evening' Jackson reassures me.

We walk through to my kitchen together to wait for Val and she walks through my door just seconds later bringing her contagious energy with her.

'Let's go and get drunk!' she shouts, grabbing our hands and pulling us towards my door.

My mood instantly becomes lighter as I laugh at her enthusiasm. 'Not drunk, i have an audition tomorrow remember!' fixing her with a serious look.

She rolls her eyes at me playfully. 'Live a little Ally' she says twirling down the hallway 'your audition isn't even until the afternoon'.

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