Untitled Part 7

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In the near-distant future, a massive multi-million dollar corporation called "NecroPlants" launches all over the world. The head is a Nobel-award winning scientist, who, throughout her entire life, has wanted to bring people back from the dead. 

So finally, after years and years of hard work and experimenting, she comes up with a solution to bring people back from the dead. But it only works for around a week, then those people die again. And they can't be brought back. And so she launches a pill that people have to take every ten years. Seventy years later, taking the pill (which works to preserve the brain after death), has turned into an almost ritual of sorts. At this point, almost everyone is taking these pills, because they want to be brought back.

Lukas, my main character, (which I showed in chapter three or four or somethin') lives in this world. One day, his aunt is found dead in the bay nearby. And so he enters in a raffle after new technology comes out- these people can be brought back for over a year.

So he enters- and wins. Then something happens- instead of his aunt, they bring back a girl named Lilith (which I showed in the first chapter), who has all zeros on her arm- she was the first person to ever be put into NecroPlants. (And nooo, she's not his aunt XD) But for some weird reason, and unlike all the other people brought back, she doesn't remember a thing about her past. But slowly, memories are uncovered, and with them secrets that could send the whole system and society itself crumbling down.

ANYWAYSSS, know that was a long intro, but here you go: First, I'm going to show the quick sketch, then the inking, then the finished result. All in all, this took me about three hours to make.

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Hope you enjoyed! All in all, this took me about 3/4 hours, in case you wanted to know

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Hope you enjoyed! All in all, this took me about 3/4 hours, in case you wanted to know. Thanks for reading! <3

P.S- I literally have no clue how to color, so that's why it looks kinda crappy. I'm hoping to get better soon, but in the meantime I'll just work with the zero knowledge I have-

My mediocre drawingsМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя