"Just give her a chance." Steve urged. "She'll grow on you."

Bucky gave a disapproving laugh. "I highly doubt that."


"So what are you making Steve do? Since he picked out your name." You asked, turning on the blender in the kitchen to make your banana smoothie.

"I'm making him redecorate my entire bedroom." Nat smirked. "Whereas Tony is making me clean the pool." 

You laughed. Nat wasn't a water person, she avoided the beach or the pool at all costs.

"What are you making Barnes do?" Nat asked, trying to hide her smirk, knowing how much you were already hating this assignment.

"I told him to fuck off in all honesty." You replied. "But he's so goddamn persistent that he's making me watch a movie with him."

You grimaced at the thought. You just wanted it to be over already.

"Hey, who knows- Maybe you'll ACTUALLY have fun." Nat walked over to you and elbowed you in the ribs jokily.

"Ha ha. Very funny."


You sat in a media room, reading 'Harry Potter.' You hated reading, but boredom was a prominent thing in your life right now so you were down for anything. It was 10pm and thought that Bucky had given up on the idea of watching a movie, which made you give a sigh of relief.

Well almost anything. You would rather read out an entire library than sit and watch TV with Barnes.

You hear your phone buzz next to you, you turn and look at the lit up screen and see a text message from Bucky that read "meet me in media room 3. now."

It also had many spelling mistakes, you gathered Bucky, being the literal old man he is, was still to wrap his head around the technological side of life.

So Barnes had NOT given up on the idea of a movie.

You gathered your things, and passed your own bedroom and threw in your book because you didn't want teased for reading a children's book, and then made your way to meet Bucky.

You opened the door and Bucky was lying on the sofa, his head resting on his hands and his legs crossed again, with his eyes closed. A signature Bucky position.

"Wake up, Barnes." You mocked, swinging his legs off the sofa and sitting next to him.

"Huh? What?" He jerked up rubbing his eyes. "I wasn't sleeping."

You rolled your eyes and he turned the TV on- Well  he tried to, he didn't know what button on the remote to press, so you snatched it out his hand while muttering "dumbass" and done it for him.

While having the remote in your hand you decided to take advantage of the situation, and turned on 'Back to The Future' which was one of your favourite movies.

"What the hell is this?"

"A cinematic masterpiece." You replied.

Bucky looked at the screen and squinted his eyes, he could see perfectly fine- he was just trying to make sense of how you could go BACK to the future when you were never from the future in the first place.

"Oh, I forgot- I brought popcorn." Bucky said, lifting up two buckets full of it. "I didn't know which kind you liked so I brought buttered and plain-"

You smiled, that was a nice gesture of him, and food wasn't even part of the deal.

"Thank you, Barnes." You said, taking a handful of the buttered popcorn and popping it into your mouth.

Bucky took some too before putting the plain popcorn back on the ground. I guess you were both buttered popcorn people and would have to share.

"So what's this dumb movie about anyways?" He asked, shoving some popcorn into his mouth and propping his feet up on the footstool infront of him.

"Hey! It's not dumb!" You argued, throwing popcorn at his face, and to your surprise he caught it in his mouth and smirked.

Time passed, you watched at least half of the movie, being one of your favourites you had been enjoying it the whole way through. Every now and then you had been glancing over to Bucky to see if he was smiling at the funny parts, or shocked at the plot twists.

Bucky done the same, every so often he would also glance over at you, the sound of your laugh was comforting to him. He never heard it much, it was always "Fuck you, Barnes." He never done anything to make you laugh because he had no reason to.

You weren't friends, only coworkers.

There was a moment where Bucky looked over to you, only to find you were also looking at him, he didn't bother to look away until you shot a "What you looking at, dork?" in his direction.

He didn't reply, he just moved his gaze to the TV screen again. He wasn't being creepy while looking at you or anything... He just couldn't help it.

"This is my favourite part." You say, nudging his arm a bit. "Watch."

Bucky smiles and does what you say, he really is enjoying the movie- You have good taste in television.

The movie ended, and the credits rolled. You hadn't spoken much the whole time, only that one time when you caught him looking at you. It didn't bother you and you gathered it must have been an accident or something.

It was now passed midnight, without asking Bucky, you put on 'Back to The Future 2.' You thought while you were in the mood you might as well.

"Another one?" Bucky asked.

"Well if your gonna watch one of them you might as well watch them all."

It turned out putting on a second movie at midnight was a bad idea. You only lasted until 1am before falling asleep on the sofa.

Bucky watched until the end. When he noticed you had fallen asleep, he made sure you were comfortable and placed a blanket on top of you and he moved and sat on the floor until the movie finished.

Without meaning to, he looked at you sleeping and smiled to himself a little before leaving the room and turning off the light.

Maybe Steve was right for once, you were growing on him.

Steve- OR you, never had to find that out though.

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