~Chapter Five~

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It was about five thirty in the morning and the Ducks were boarding there [private] plane to go California for the Junior Goodwill Games.

"Hey. Y/N, right?" Luis asked as Y/N went to go find a seat.

"Yeah, that's me. Luis right?" She asked. He blushed and chuckled as he looked down.

"Would you like to sit with me on the was to Cali? I don't really know anyone that well on the team yet and you seem like a nice person to start out with." Luis asked.

"Sure! I want the window seat though." She teased.

"Alright." Luis said, getting out of his seat, allowing her to get to the window.

"I'm sorry, but do you pronounce your name as 'Luis' (L•oo•is) or 'Luis' (L•oo•ee•se)?" Y/N asked, Luis chuckled.

"It's pronounced 'Luis' (L•oo•is)." He stated.

"Ok. I was just making sure cuz everyone else was saying it the other way and I was confused." Y/N laughed.

"Yeah, I get it. So tell me about yourself." Luis said.

"What do you wanna know?" Y/N asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Anything, really." Luis said.

"Alrighty then. I'm fifteen years old, I was born in North Carolina and moved to Minnesota when I was five, I'm fluent in sarcasm, I enjoy reading, writing, listening to music and, of course, hockey. And, my best friend is Charlie." Y/N stated as she pointed to Charlie who was sitting next to Adam.

"That's neat. Well I guess it's my turn, huh? I'm also fifteen years old, I'm fluent in English and Spanish, and I enjoy hanging out with friends, playing video games and, of course hockey. I am also born and raised in Miami, Florida." Luis stated.

"That's great. We have a few things in common!" Y/N exclaimed.

"I know! Maybe I can teach you some Spanish, if you'd like." Luis offered, making Y/N blush a little bit.

"I'd like that." She said, looking him in his big, hazel eyes.

And, for the rest of the flight to California, Y/N and Luis had spent a lot of the time getting to know each other, with the exception of Y/N passing out about two hours before they were to land, but of course, the duo had never caught a certain blonde boy watching them from afar.


"What do you think they're talking about, Adam?" Charlie asked.

"I don't know. Why?" Adam asked.

"No reason. I was just curious." Charlie said.

"Ok." Adam said, shrugging off Charlie's question.

Why does my chest feel heavy? Like I'm in pain? Charlie questioned.

"Attention Team USA, we have officially made it to Los Angeles, California!" The flight attendant announce on the intercom, making the Team cheer causing Y/N to jump awake from Luis' shoulder.

"If you would stay seated until told otherwise, that will be greatly appreciated." The flight attendant finished.


"You ok?" Luis asked Y/N.

"Yeah. She just spooked me is all. I was having a good dream." Y/N said, stretching her arms out.

"Ooh. What was it about?" Luis asked curiously.

"We had won the Junior Goodwill Games!" Y/N said happily.

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