~Chapter Three~

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The next day The Ducks met at the rink to one, meet there new teammates and two, practice. You can bet your bottom dollar that pretty much none of them (other than Adam and Jesse) practiced in the off season.

"Tell me about my new kids." Bombay ordered Mr. Tibbles.

"That's Luis Mendoza." Tibbles stated pointing to the rather attractive tan boy, who seemed Hispanic.

"He's from our Miami club. A real speedster. Incredible skater. I clocked him at 1.9 seconds, blue line to blue line." Tibbles stated.

Wow. Pretty fast guy. Y/N thought. Luis then began to show his gift of speed.

"Good lookin' skater." Connie stated.

"I'll say." Y/N mutters, smirking at Connie.

"Very good lookin'. What do you think Guy? Charlie?" Averman teased.

Y/N knew why Averman teased Guy about Luis being good looking, seeing that him and Connie were a couple, but she didn't understand why he teased Charlie about it. But, it probably wasn't important so she shook it off.

Charlie and Guy rolled their eyes annoyed.

"Shut up, Averman." They both say and shove Averman to the ground. Connie and Y/N just chuckled at their stupidity, then looking back at Luis.

"He has one minor problem..." Tibbles started. Luis was doing real well until he crashed into the wall.

"Has a little trouble stopping." Tibbles stated.

"I'd say so." Goldberg teased. The rest of the team just chuckled as the new team members skated their way over to Luis to help him up.

Luis sighed, "I almost had it that time." He said.


"Yee- Haw! How is everyone! Y'all ready to play some puck?" A country kid asked as he skated out onto the ice.

"Hey, look. It's hopalong Gretzky." Jesse teased as the rest of the team chuckled at his joke.

"That's Dwayne Robertson, from Austin. He's the best puck handler I've ever seen." Tibbles stated.

"You mean for his age." Coach corrected.

"No. I don't." Tibbles said. Y/N had to agree with him. Dwayne was real good with a puck.

"Wow." Y/N mumbles under her breath, amazed at Dwayne's skill.

"I know." Charlie whispered to her.

"Hey! This is easier than roping hogs! Yee- haw!" Dwayne exclaimed, showing off a little bit.

"He does have a tendency to showboat." Tibbles explained. You could then here Coach murmur a 'wow' under his breath as well, Dwayne was that good.


Next, the Ducks had a girl on the ice. Y/N and Connie were ecstatic to have another girl on the team.

"That's Julie 'The Cat' Gaffney. She won the state championship for Maine three years in a row." Tibbles stated.

"We'll, we have a goalie. Goldberg." Coach defends. Y/N then looks over to the opposite goal to see Goldberg hyping himself up.

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