"Okay grab my arms" ordered Talea. 

Sirius frowned "We can apparate ourselves." 

Regulus rolled his eyes once again "Sirius" he let out an annoyed sigh "Only Talea knows where the cave is, you can't apparate to a place when you don't know where it is." 

Talea patted Sirius head teasingly and said "He's not the smartest Reggie." 

The younger Black smirked "Yeah, right?" 

Sirius swatted Talea's hand away "Hey, stop it with the joking manner, we have to concentrate!" She held out her arms for each boy to grab before concentrating on the old cave.

The sickening feeling set in her stomach as they turned on the spot and landed on hard ground with a crack. Talea stumbled a little until she caught herself again and looked around. 

The cave was dark and cold, making her shudder as she pulled out her wand. "Lumos". The ceiling of the cave was set so high that she couldn't even make out the top. Sirius and Regulus followed her movement and pulled out their wands. 

"What do we have to do now?" asked Regulus even though he kept his voice hushed the sound echoed through the cave. 

Talea looked around, she already knew that the magic in the cave was practically pulsating. "We need to make a sacrifice." 

"What?" Sirius shocked voice echoed through the cave. 

"Calm down, only a few droplets of blood will do, this is to weaken the intruder." She looked at the ground and crouched down to pick up a sharp rock. She opened her palm and before any of her accompanies could intervene, she slit it open. Sirius stepped closer in worry but she just turned around to the wall and brushed her bloody hand over the rough stone.

They were standing on the edge of a great black lake, in a cavern so high that the ceiling, too, was out of sight, just like the other part of the cave. A misty greenish light shone far away in what looked like the middle of the lake; it was reflected in the completely still water below. The greenish glow and the light from the three wands were the only things that broke the otherwise velvety blackness. The darkness was somehow denser than normal darkness.

"Lumos maxima!" a huge beam of light escaped Regulus wand and lit up the whole cave. He levitated the light to the other side of the cave where they could make out exactly what they were looking for.

"The only question is; how do we get over there" said Sirius looking around for any way to cross the cave. 

"Chains?" whispered Talea, confused herself but her hand snapped out and she held it out above the water. 

"What-" asked Regulus but he was interrupted by a chain that shot out of the water, exactly where Talea was holding out her hand so she could catch it with ease. 

"You know, it's really unfair that you know everything just because you're a seer "muttered Sirius. 

"Jealous, darling?"

Regulus slapped their arms, so they would focus on him and pointed at the water. There was something under the surface of the water connected with the chain, so Talea started to pull on it. The water started to wave as the mast of a boat appeared. 

Water was dripping from the mast that showed engravings of a snake and skull when a boat appeared. They looked at each other before carefully stepping into the boat. Sirius grabbed the paddle and the boat started to move to the other side of the cave where the island was. 

𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐲, Sirius Black Where stories live. Discover now