«I'm fine» I said, at the exact same time as he said «I'm so sorry». We looked back up at eachother and once again there was something in his eyes that I couldn't quite comprehend. «It's okay.» I whispered. It wasn't okay, but I didn't want his pity. «Stop fucking playing. That's not okay!» he said. His tone had changed but his voice was still low.

We just stood there for a couple seconds, staring into each others eyes, both trying to read the others, trying to peak behind the rock solid walls.. Finally, he said something..«After you went home that night..» he stopped mid sentence, I could see that he was hesitating, but he decided to continue «I called the cops on him and they found out it wasn't the first time he had done something like that. He is now in jail. And he will be there for a long time. I will make sure of that. I promise. He will never hurt you like that again» Maxence said while never breaking eye contact

I was shocked. He did all that? Why? That night he told me to get out of his sight and that I ruined everything.. but still, he went back in there to get the rapist in jail.. «He will never hurt you like that again», why did he care?

I didn't understand Maxence. One moment he hated me, then he wanted to fuck me, then he saved me, again and again. But then he told me to go back to New York? What was it with him?

Whatever the reasoning was behind this sudden act of kindness I was incredibly greatful for him doing that. And even though I hated the man who was standing in front of me with every cell of my body, I felt my heart warming up at the thought of someone doing something like that for me. Someone actually doing something for me, someone caring?

«Thank you» I said, I couldn't get myself to look him in the eyes as I said it so I was looking down at the bathroom floor. I felt uncomfortable, but I also felt like it had to be said. He had helped me over and over and even though he was a dick, he deserved to hear a thank you from me. I hated saying «thank you»or «sorry» or showing any kind of emotion through words, so it was crazy how I had told this man «thank you» not only once, but twise since the first time I met him.

He came closer and lifted my cheek up so that I didn't have any other choice but to look at him. «No problem, Caro. And also you didn't answer my question, are you leaving?»

The whole aura between us had changed in just a couple of seconds. There was no cockiness, no games or flirting, we were being real and fragile for the first time. I felt safe with him holding me, and that was an uncommon feeling for me. He could make me feel so much. So many emotions, I bet he had no idea how much he actually effected me.

Just by a simple touch he could make me go from mad and angry to a feeling of safity and insane elation. It scared the shit out of me, I wanted to run and hide, but at the same time I wanted to fall into his arms and never let go. When he touched me like that, so carefully and graceful, I felt warmth streaming into my ice cold heart again, and deep down I had a feeling that he could feel it too. Was his heart defrosting as well?

«No, actually I'm not» I said and smirked. My game face was back and my mood had lightened from his touch. (Yes I know, pathetic)« I'm gonna go back to the table and have dinner. But only because I'm starving and the girls promised me Ben and Jerry's if I stayed the whole night» I said while slowly backing away. He laughed as I walked out the door.

I turned around and looked at him, he was following me. «You wait here for like 5 minutes before you come back out! I don't want them to think that we did anything, or that we know eachother at all. Okay?» I said in a stricht tone. «Okay okay» he said while chuckeling and walking back into the bathroom with his hands over his head like he was being held at gun point.


I came back to the girls and their guys with an improved mood. I recognized the boys from somewhere but don't know where, I'm sure I will find out later. «Hey! I said while shaking the guys hands and introducing myself, I could see a recognition in their eyes as well. «Zane» and «Blaze» were two good looking guys who were complete opposites. Blaze was lightskin, had a big smile and blue eyes and looked like a typical surfer boy. While Zane had dark eyes and looked like he was mad.. a little intimidating. But they were the kind of guys that matched Sienna and Lulas personalities. Blaze was cute and nice like Lula, and Zane was more quiet and laid back like Sienna.

So I was a little shocked when I realized I had got it wrong, Zane was on a date with Lula, and Blaze with Sienna.. Well well, whatever floats their boats.

«Where's my mysterial blind date?» I said, like I hadn't just been in the bathroom with him. «He went to the bathroom right after you, but not before ordering you a drink. Like the gentleman he is» Blaze grinned and I could sense the slight bit of sarcasm in his voice. But no one else seemed to notice. Hah, gentleman, please. «See! I told you he'd be nice!» Sienna said while elbowing me a little in the side.

«There he is» Zane said and pointed to the bathroom door that had just opened. I looked over and saw him smirking at me. When he came over to us he streched out his hand to greet me. «Hello. Nice to meet you! My name is Maxence. But everyone just calls me Max» he said. His eyes were burning into mine and started the usual sparks in my core. «Hello Maxence» I didn't like the name Max so I would still call him Maxence even though I could tell he preffered Max. I could tell he got irritated and that made me decide that I would always call him that, just to be a bitch. «My name is Evelyn, but I prefer Eve» I answered him, aready knowing that he sure as hell wouldn't call me anything I preferred. He sat down while saying «Hello Evelyn»

That fucker.

Dancing With The DevilTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon