II - Sister Suffragette

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It suits him.

The bow tie, you meant, but his new positive burst of energy, too. You felt like the Doctor was back. He had come skipping back from the closet with an evident spring in his step, and immediately dotted in the coordinates of your next adventure.

'So, where are we headed?' you ask, swinging around from one side of the control panel to join him next to the monitor.

'London. 1920. I have a date.'

'You? A date? you say raising your eyebrows and smirking slightly.

'Shut up, not like that.' he flusters. 'I have friends, you know. We're going to meet with Miss Dorothy Cassidy, a suffragette.'

'Ooh, suffragettes! I like it.' you smile. 'How did you come to meet a suffragette?'

'Well, you see, she's sort of a... a double agent, if you will.'

'A double agent suffragette? This keeps getting better. Do continue.'

'She works with me occasionally. Incredibly clever woman- that's why she's a suffragette. They're all clever, them. They have to be, that's how they made men listen to them eventually. Anyway! We need to find her. She has something we need.'

The Doctor provides no more of an explanation than that, and begins parading around the control panel once again. The sensation of flight no longer affected you, and before you had even registered the movement you had landed in London.

A small part of you expected little black splodges and lines to fill your vision when you stepped from the TARDIS. There was a distinct lack of sepia coloured skies, but a comforting selection of old cars, reminiscent of The Great Gatsby, that made you feel like you were stepping out into a Laurel and Hardy film.

The street looked worn. It had been plastered with suffragette memorabilia, and the pollution in the air had reduced the iconic purple and green banners to a discoloured and faded parody of its former glory. There were posters in shop windows displaying 'Votes for Women' in block capitals, and a few spots where signs had obviously been torn down by greasy misogynists.

'Interesting.' you mutter under your breath.

'What is?' the Doctor asks, closing the door to the TARDIS behind him before following you out of the alleyway in which it was parked. You hadn't thought you had been loud enough to actually be heard, and this display of the Doctor's perceptive hearing prompted you to think back to other things you may have said assuming he hadn't heard them.

'Nothing, it's just I didn't think the suffragettes were this... vocal. I mean I know they did the tying themselves to railings and throwing themselves in front of horses and stuff, but the photos I saw in history class were never this colourful. And don't say that that's because they didn't have colour photography yet, because you know what I mean.'

The Doctor sighed, obviously upset he couldn't answer you sarcastically. 'Of course they weren't as dramatic as this.' he says. 'History only shows you what the people in power want you to see.'

'The people in power being the politicians trying to shut down the movement.'


'So that's why we only hear about the violent, trouble causing things the suffragettes did.' you expand. 'And why you never hear anything about the suffragists.'


The Doctor stepped out into the road, and- to your surprise- actually managed to reach the other side without being plowed down by a reckless motorist. Pushing open the door to a shop on your left, the Doctor stepped inside quickly. The bell on top alerted the sleeping man behind the till of your arrival, and he soon jolted into life, his eyes widening in shock as he noticed you.

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