"So, you think we can have them join us on our infiltration?" Adonis asked. Arya grabbed his left ear and pulled.

"We never agreed on your plan, Adonis. Don't drag me into your recklessness and rash decisions." Arya scolded. Pointing the blade of her hidden weapon in front of Adonis.

"As if that flimsy blade on your wrist could hurt me." Adonis teased, knowing the things that can get Arya riled up for battle.

"Wanna try again? Last time we fought, you ended up with more cuts than you could count." Arya bragged, remembering her spar with Adonis.

"Your cuts weren't even that deep, Arya! I healed them rather easily." Adonis bragged, continuously teasing Arya.

"You guys are on competitive mode again... I'll leave for now and maybe find some other friends." Frank said, turning around.

"Come on, Frank. We haven't even seen your capabilities yet." Arya whined, wanting Frank to join in the fight.

"Don't tell me you're a coward?" Adonis teased. Frank turned around and saw Adonis and Arya laughing at him.

"Oh! You guys are going down!" Frank laughed, summoning some weird soft gauntlets that had knives in them.

- The three were about to duke it out in the cafeteria, not even bothering on going to the training grounds. But someone cleared their throat, taking the attention of the three -

"I don't want to get scolded again and put to work fixing back the chairs you destroyed." A man said. Adonis's eyes widened, and he immediately stood up straight.

"Hermes!" Adonis said, seeing his God, there tapping his foot impatiently, a look of irritation on his face because Adonis wanted to start another brawl

"If your little fight could be at least postponed for a bit, I would like you, the three of you." Hermes said, making Adonis' friends' faces pale. Gods weren't really fond of talking to other God's Retributions... they're either in trouble, or something just came up.

"The... three of us?" Arya asked, not sure she heard Hermes right.

"Yes." Hermes stated in a firm tone. Making sure the three have no room to decline his request.

- The three, along with Hermes, walked inside Adonis' room. Adonis, Arya, and Frank all sat in the bed while Hermes sat on a nearby chair -

"Adonis. Remember when you told me about your plan about defeating the enemy right now?" Hermes asked. Adonis looked at him in boredom, not wanting another lecture.

"I think we should plan it properly." Hermes stated, shocking both Arya and Frank.

"Yeah, yeah. I know. This war has some respectable-- Wait, what!?" Adonis said in surprise, thinking it was another scolding from Hermes.

"I was just spying on their camp again... They just got two other additions, twins." Hermes said, sweat beads moving down his forehead

"How is this any different from the other kids they've added to their growing arsenal?" Frank added, unsure of where Hermes is going with this.

"They just learned about boosting the kids. Like we do with you, they will let the kids kill off who wronged them and use their mature members to take the blunt force of the punishment of freedom." Hermes added. The three looked at each other in horror. Their only lead, now, on the hands of the enemy.

"Those twins were powerful! The other one was able to suck out life, killing the targets immediately. The boy can teleport and play with time." Hermes said, seeing the male twin trap someone in an ongoing loop of doors.

Power Built In Sorrow (Male Reader Insert)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें