The Birthday

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Y/N was in the Hage church with everyone because it was his 14th birthday and it was finally the day he opened the letter his mother left for him. Right now, Y/N was outside eating with all the other church goers-

Y/N: (Mouth full) Best birthday ever!

Lily: (Giggles) Y/N, chew your food.

Y/N: (Swallows) I'm sorry, it's just I finally can open the letter my mom left with me. And soon I will finally get my grimoire and become the strongest magic knight in the kingdom!

Asta: I wonder what it is?

Father Orsi: (Brings the letter over) Well, It's time. (Hands Y/N the letter) Here you go.

Y/N: (Gently grabs and takes it) Well, mom what do you have to say? (Opens it and looks at the letter)

Yuno: What does it say?


(Y/N throws the letter on the ground and runs off)

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(Y/N throws the letter on the ground and runs off)

Recca: Y/N, wait!

Lily: What did it say?

Yuno: (Picks up the letter) It says

Dear, Y/N

If you're reading this it means two thing. One, I'm dead and two that you're finally 14. I know you're still at a young age, but I believe you are old enough to know the truth. The reason I left you at the church is because your step-father found out you we're not actually his child and wanted to kill you for it. But, I wouldn't let him so I ran as far as I could from him, but he caught me and did something I will forever hate him for. He locked your magic with a black curse: A curse that can never be broken. You will never use magic or receive a grimoire. The last reason I left you there is because they is something waiting for you. I'm sorry I couldn't do anything to help you, but just know one thing my little Y/N. I will always love you.



(Everyone gasped and were shocked that Y/N will never develop magic. They all spread out and try to find Y/N. Meanwhile, with Y/N he was sitting on a branch crying for his curse. Soon, the branch breaks and Y/N falls, tumbles, and and hits the ground.)

Y/N: Ow. (Looks up and see's cave) Huh? I never noticed this before.

(Y/N enters the cave and see's a bright red light at the end of it

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(Y/N enters the cave and see's a bright red light at the end of it. He follows and see's a sword in a stone.)

Y/N: A sword? (He gets closer and hears a voice)

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Y/N: A sword? (He gets closer and hears a voice)

???: Incursio, Incursio, Incursio, Incursio

Y/N: It's like it's calling to me. (Y/N gets closet and grabs the sword by the pommel, He begins to pull it and when he does the sword activates)

 (Y/N gets closet and grabs the sword by the pommel, He begins to pull it and when he does the sword activates)

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Y/N: (Painfully) RAHHHHHH!

(Y/N feels something forming around him and his eyes start to change.)


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(Meanwhile, outside the cave the Hage church goers were looking for Y/N, but to no avail. Until, they hear a scream.)

Y/N: (inside the cave) AHHHHHH!

Lily: That sounds like Y/N!

Asta: He's in trouble. (Runs for the cave)

Yuno: Asta, wait. (Chases after Atsa)

(Asta and Yuno run and enter the cave. They soon come across Y/N laid on the ground in white armor. At first, they looked confused until the armor disappeared and showed Y/N with blood leaking out of his mouth and eyes. They go wide eyed and pick him up and get him back to the church.)

Y/N: (Groggily) Grahh, what happened?

Lily: (Runs and hugs Y/N) Y/N, you're okay! Everyone, he's awake.

(Soon, everyone enters his room and tells him how glad they're that he's okay.)

Asta: Hey, Y/N what was that armor you were wearing?

Yuno: Yeah, I haven't seen anything like that.

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