"No kelly i'm serious she ain't dead" I said rolling my eyes. "How ? Somebody can't just rise from the grave unless they're God, or well... you"

"You got jokes huh" I said squinting my eyes at her. "Girl it's true everybody thought yo ass died then you just woke up"

"Ok anyway" I said rolling my eyes.

"We went to the park the other day and solo was there with tina, apparently she faked her death to get away from matthew" I explained.

"Did solo just find out ?" she asked with a slightly shocked face.

"No she been knowing since she was sixteen" "SIXTEEN ?!" she yelled sitting up.

"Me and her didn't get together until she was nineteen so that mean her ass was lying to me this whole time" she gritted with anger in her eyes.

"Well she lied and hid it from bey so while bey was getting abused solo was living happily" I said then heard a low growl come from her.

Oh she mad mad.

"I gotta go" she said starting the car back up. "Ok well i'll see you later" I smiled getting out the car.

As soon as I stepped back kelly sped off making me chuckle. "I hope she kill that muthafucka" I mumbled to myself before walking into the studio.

I walked to the room bey was in and entered to see her sitting on the couch. "Hey y'all" I spoke to everybody in there.

I got waves back and bey looked up at me. I walked over sitting next to her "Did you bring your folder ?" I asked.

"yes" she said showing the folder filled with all her songs she wrote through out the years. "Why don't you record something baby"

"I don't know what to record" she said lowly opening the folder. "Do you want to put out a solo album ?" I asked.

She nodded looking through the songs. "I've been working on one already but i'm not done" she said looking up at me.

"Well what do you have already ?" I asked looking down at the folder. I seen a song tittle 'naughty girl' making me smirk.

"Ouu what's this about" I asked grabbing the paper. Her eyes went wide and she reached to grab it back.

"nooo you can't hear that one" she said trying to grab it. "Why not it looks interesting" I said holding the paper up.

"bubba stopppp" she whined. I ignored her starting to read the lyrics to her outloud.

"I'm feeling sexy, Ouu you feeling sexy baby ?" I teased looking over at her with a smirk. "oh my Godd" she blushed covering her face with her hands.

"I wanna hear you say my name" I read "I'll say yo name beyonce" I said in her ear.

"please stop" she said from behind her hands. I chuckled at her before beginning to read more.

"If you can reach me you can feel my burning flame" I read feeling my eyes grow from shock. Oh she a lil freak.

"Can I feel yo burning flame stink" I asked looking over at her. "Give me this" she said snatching the paper from me making me laugh.

"When you write that ?" I asked smiling at her. "I didn't write it sasha did" she mumbled putting the paper back in the folder.

"Sasha is you boo, so when did you write it ?" I asked again "The day after your welcome home party" she blushed looking down.

I smirked remembering what we did at my welcome home party. "Ohhh so you wrote it after we-"Yes bubba you don't have to finish" she cut me off blushing harder.

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