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Long ago, God told all the animals that he was throwing a banquet the next day and to not be late. The rat however, was very tricky and told his neighbor, the cat, that the banquet was the day after tomorrow. So the next day, all the animals lined up for the banquet, and the rat rode all the way there on top of the cow's back so he could get there first.
Before the feast began, the dragon noticed twelve stars circling around them. All of the animals watched in awe as these stars fell from the heavens towards the banquet. Each star landed beside one animal and manifested into the Celestial spirits. The spirit of Aries said that they overheard about the banquet and wanted to join too. God agreed and they all began to feast together.
All the animals and spirits had fun, except for the cat, who was home sleeping and dreaming about a banquet that would never come. When the cat found out that he had been tricked, he was devastated. Suddenly, a shooting star landed beside the cat and manifested into the spirit of Ophiuchus, the serpent bearer. The spirit said that he noticed the cat was lonely and since he was lonely too, he would come down and keep him company since he wasn't invited either. The cat was so happy about this and the two became very close.
Since then, the cat would always fight the rat so he would be accepted, and Ophiuchus would fight the Celestial Zodiac so he would also be accepted.
This legend was passed down from generation to generation; a never-ending cycle. However, very soon, this story was about to change.

Hello everyone!!! It has been a hot minute since I uploaded. But I am back and ready to write!!!! I hope you guys enjoyed the beginning of this new story we are about to embark on. I have been so excited to write this one and I can't wait to see what you all think. Love you all and I'll see you next time!!!

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