the girl faced forward, thinking hard about all the events surrounding those dates. "hmm, did anyone say or do something to you? maybe something you took the wrong way?" she didn't want to pressure him too much about his personal life, especially since he never forced her to talk about hers.

"honestly, it started bothering me more once you left. even if you only lived with us for a few days, it was fun."

gyuri smiled fondly at the memory of living with the trio, wondering if she should visit again sooner rather than later. "it was. i've never listened to so much justin bieber in my life." lucas chuckled behind her, the sound bringing a wider smile to the pinkette's face.

a few moments of peaceful silence passed by before the boy spoke, his next words sending a flutter through gyuri's chest. "how are you and hendery? you guys seem close," he faced the girl and wiggled a brow, the action forcing a surprised laugh from her.

swallowing her flustered shock, gyuri nudged her friend again. "shut up... i don't want to put labels on anything but we're going out?" the uncertainty in her own voice made her shake her head. lucas, on the other hand, forced his smile not to falter.

he patted the girl's head. "you guys seem like you'd be good together. i wish you both luck." gyuri was too caught up in her embarrassment to notice the shake in his voice.

she leaned her head against his forearm, completely missing the way lucas tensed beneath her sudden touch. "thanks, lucas. i just hope i don't freak out and hurt him when things get official."

the boy's brows drew together at that. "why would you? you don't seem like the type to hurt a fly unless that fly hurt your friends." gyuri shrugged. "i have a history of bad relationships. it's kinda in my blood."

"i'm sure it wasn't your fault, at least not most of it. you were a teenager, they're supposed to make mistakes."

the girl was silent as she processed his words. it wasn't your fault.

snapping back into a sitting position, gyuri pushed herself up and reached a hand out to lucas. "how did we even get on this topic anyway? weren't we talking about you and your cloud?"

"hey, that's miss selena to you."

stifling her laugh with her free hand, the pinkette shook her head and (barely) helped the bartender up. "my apologies, miss selena." they made their way back to the group, where they were building a throne of empty boxes for winwin.

"and hey," she added, hushing her voice so the others wouldn't hear, "if you ever need to talk to someone, i may not be the best when it comes to giving advice, but i'm here."

lucas nodded, a genuine smile shining on his lips. "thanks, gyu. i appreciate it."

"well you better, i don't do this for just anyone." he chuckled at her words and motioned for them to join the others in their fancy chair building.

gyuri laughed when sicheng crushed the boxes, and suddenly, his cloud was gone.

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