Chapter 1

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Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter. All rights belong to J.K Rowling. 


As they turned to leave Dumbledore stopped and looked back over his shoulder. "Hold on. I almost forgot." He pulled out his wand and cast a quick warming spell. It wouldn't do well for Harry to freeze. No he had plans for the young child. Plans that wouldn't be ruined so easily.

Chapter 1

When Petunia Dursley found Harry the next morning her shrill scream woke up the entire neighbourhood. She knew from one glance who this toddler was. He looked too much like her brother in law for it to be a hoax. He had the same messy and untameable hair. The same facial structure. After a few minutes later,  she found herself staring into his eyes. They were  entrancing emerald orbs that stared at her with curiosity. Petunia gasped in shock. Her heart pounded and she desperately prayed to whatever deity there was that this was just a dream. They were Lily's eyes. Her sister's eyes. 

The very eyes that she last saw at their parents funerals filled with pain and hurt once Petunia had wiped her hands clean of the Wizarding world. Petunia's knees buckled and she sunk to the ground as the news hit her at full force. Her sister was dead. Her sister was gone and never coming back. She had lost her to the wizarding world. Just liked she feared once Lily received her letter. And she never got to apologize. Her sister would never leave her child here otherwise.

She closed her eyes for a second and a few stray tears leaked out as she took a moment to mourn her lost sister. Petunia stumbled up quickly as soon as she was done. Imagine what the neighbours would think of her loosing composure like that. Petunia shook her head and picked up her nephew going inside the house. She heard a crinkle and was confused until she felt saw a hastily written letter peaking out.


"Yes dear?"

" Vernon, Come quick!"

"What is it dear? Did the morning paper crush your flowers?..." he trailed off as his eyes landed on the child. "Petunia what is the meaning of this?" Petunia set Harry down on the table.

"I don't know but there's a letter." 

"Let me see that." Vernon said ripping the letter out of her hands and scanning the contents. Petunia walked around to beside Vernon and read with him. Her already pale skin lost even more colour while her husband turned a nasty shade of purple.

"Petunia is this true? We have to take care of the freak!"

"Yes dear I suppose."

"And we can definitely squash the magic out of him." 

Petunia swallowed the bile in her throat at those words. She knew in her heart that it wasn't true. She remembered her sisters long winded rants about how if she compressed the magic within her she would become something called an obscural. Something dangerous and unpredictable. It would put her family in danger. Something she couldn't allow. Not only that she may not have gotten along with her sister but she wouldn't condemn her adopted nephew to this. She knew he was adopted because Lily couldn't have children. She wouldn't condemn an innocent child to this. If the Wizarding world cared so much for him they can take care of him themselves. Now to twist this into a reason to give Harry away for Vernon to believe.

"No dear. I don't think we can. This headmaster is trying to take advantage of us. He doesn't think we are smart enough to figure it out. We don't have to waste time, energy and our precious money on this freak. Lets leave him in foster care and be rid of him. He won't be our problem any more. They can deal with him them selves." Petunia replied confidently as she inwardly grinned at how convincing she sounded. There was many times she was thankful Vernon wasn't the smartest person on Earth and this was one of them.

Vernon's face became an unnatural shade of red. "Your right Pet. Lets abandon the little freak somewhere. That crackpot old fool can't take advantage of us. We're hard working people. Completely normal. We don't want out image ruined by him."

"Yes. But Dumbledore doesn't have to know. He said he'll give us compensation and he won't check on the freak. So he'll be living under the false pretence that the boy is here. We'll get our money without looking at him." Petunia said greedily. 

She may have not agreed to abuse her nephew but if there was one thing she wanted, it was money. Her undeniable greed for it  would overwhelmed all of her senses. She would do anything for money. Even if it was against the law.

Vernon's face erupted into hungry expression and he ripped the purse out of Harry's blanket. He opened it and began counting. "£200! The old coot expected us to raise a freak with £200 pounds!"

"I think its just an instalment dear. He did say we would be compensated until Harry's 17th birthday. And remember we aren't actually raising the freak." Petunia said softly.

"You must be right. Now lets go and drop the freak off." Vernon said before marching out of the front door with Harry in his arms.

They had drove to the local group home and left him there after filling out the necessary forms. Young Harry was placed into a crib next to a few others and was left their in the dark. Alone. Like he would be for the next few years.

Thanks for reading. Hope you like how I presented Petunia. I wanted everyone to see her as someone who cares for her family but is still quite a corrupt person. Especially when it comes to money. Anyway I wanted Harry to be a foster kid because there aren't many stories about him being one.


Keep reading and please comment. It really helps.

FantasyTiger123 out.

All stories told are black and blue underneathHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin