Chapter 1.5: What On Earth!

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As the afternoon stroked i walked home with Gyun, Haiku: " So uh why did you ask me that..?" 

Gyun: " Oh i just wanted to know, that's all.. " **Gyun's mind((I really love him))** EkkKKK

(●⌒∇⌒●) ((forward)) Haiku: "So uh Who have you dated in the past" Gyun: "Uh hes a guy with black hair and hes called-" Haiku: "Jiwon isn't it." Gyun: "Yeah!, how did you know did you see him," Haiku: "I've seen that bastard my whole life he ruined Jan-woo's life" 

Gyun: "Wait what?!" o(-'д'-。)((Gyun=fight mode)) 

Tip: By the way Haiku is the guy with blonde hair in the image!, ill let you guess who the black one is! 

Haiku's best friends=Gyun,Jan-woo 

Haiku: "Yeah he ruined his life" Gyun: " What a Ass hole" 

*nrgh*, *grip tightens*Haiku: "Jan-woo didn't deserve it" Gyun: "Yeah he didn't he's so sweet"

Haiku: "Anyways uh, ill see you later Gyun!" Gyun:"Bye Haiku!" **Gyun's mind:((I need to tell him soon before Jiwon finds out))** 

Haiku: "Why did he ask me that!!"o(>o<)o *blush* Haiku: "I need some food," ''in the fridge:

Milk, eggs , cake , sushi , etc. Haiku: "I'm gonna have some sushi" *nom* *nom* Haiku: "I wonder why Jiwon is like this.." 

*RING, RING* Haiku: "Oh who is this-" PHONE NUMBER: 09-983-3938 USER: JIWON 

Haiku: " Oh god!" *Panics* *sigh* --On the phone: Haiku: Hello, what do you wan- Jiwon: PLEASE HELP- Haiku: With what! Jiwon: **Laughs** I'm kidding nerd anyways i'm coming up **hangs up** Haiku: "Ass hole"

*Buzz, buzz* Haiku: "Hello-,The hell are you wearing?!" Jiwon: "Nothing..,Jan-woo told me to wear this so." ๑•́ㅿ•̀๑)'' Haiku: "I'm surprised he even talked to you" Jiwon: "I'm surprised that i even listened.."  Haiku: "Oh, well uh i kinda don't mind you coming here but still your a ass hole" 

**((Jiwon's mind: ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ I Know that, but i don't want to say who changed me into this horrible person))** Haiku: "Uh hello?, why are u staring down there-, wait..." 

Jiwon: "What?, no i definitely wasn't looking down there" Haiku: "You sure?" ((Lean)) 

Jiwon: "Why are you getting so close?" Haiku: "I don't know why, why are you getting closer-"

''MMMH'' Haiku: "Uhm,..... so" **Blush** Jiwon: "I'm just gonna go..." **((Jiwon's Mind: Why did i continue.., i hate him for that.))**

The next day at school Jiwon didn't talk to me at all, this continued for a week ..,

**Bump** Haiku: "Jiwon..." Jiwon: "Cya" Haiku: " Fine, dont talk to me"

Haiku: "Hey Jan-woo-"  **Push** Jan-woo: "Haha, Oh sorry 'Haiku'" Jiwon: "Hey knock it off" 

Haiku:"Thanks, a lot.." The next day this kept on happening i grew numb from it i started not even going to school until, **Knock knock** Haiku:" Who is it.."  ???: "Hey uhm, i'm Jiwon's friend he wanted to ask why your not coming to school." Haiku: "I think he know's why" ??? "Well,he asked so i don't think he does" Haiku: "well u can come in-" **SWOOOSH** Haiku: "Hey!, Wait come back!" ...

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