Chapter 1: Home sweet Home?

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Shaking myself off, I start to pad out of my burrow, cautiously sniffing for danger. The normal scents of the jungle come to me, wisps of creatures and plants rising from the ground and gliding around trunks. A faint smell touches my nose. Closing my eyes, I track it, concentrating on the specific strand. The strand smells of blood and rot, as well as fear. Bristling, I draw back into my den. Based on how faint it was and how it hung and drifted in the wind, it was in a tree somewhere a short walk from here. Sniffing again, I searched for what might've been the cause.

My eyes snap open as a splintering crack! echoes just beyond the tree line, all the critters of the forest silencing immediately.

I scrambled deeper into the earth, pushing a rock into the entrance of my hole, and holding my breath as the heavy paw-steps stomp closer.

A strong scent hit my nose

This strand- this strand smelt of anger and hunger, as well as blood. I let out a small whimper and the thing stops suddenly. I can hear it's head whipping around as heavy snuffling begins. I take a deep breath out of fear, it's scent hitting my nose, but this time, I notice a thin strand hidden under the anger...

This monster had a hole in it's heart filled with desperate loneliness, a sadness so agonizing that it started attacking blindly.

I shifted slightly, the coolness of the earth soaking into my scales. I thought and sat, listening to the sad creature wander around in confusion. Taking a deep breath, I let out a loud whimper, and emerged from my hole. Two glaring eyes immediately whipped around to see me. A low growl emanated from the creature's throat.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Jun 10, 2021 ⏰

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Once upon a lifeNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ