The Spy (Part 2)

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"Let's try another emotion," Ivory said after Gwen finally got Nikki to calm down. "You said you had sister right? Someone like us?"

"Yes," Nikki responded in a hoarse whisper.

"Eleven, correct?"

"El," Nikki corrected, "she liked to be called El."

"Okay," Ivory nodded, "and from what I remember, she's no longer with us, correct?"

"Yes," Nikki said remembering her sister.

"Where you there when she died?"


"Okay," Ivory thought for a second, "think about how you felt when you saw your sister, El, dead."

Nikki looked at the ground and saw a familiar, unmoving girl laying on the ground. It was a dead El.

"I bet you felt alone," Ivory continued.

"Yes," Nikki said remembering her time in the Upside Down.


"Yes," Nikki said still looking at her sister. She was pale and looked tired even though she was infinitely sleeping. "I'm sorry." She whispered to her sister.

"What are you sorry for?"

"I didn't protect her after all of those times she protected me."

"Could you protect her?"

"Maybe," Nikki said truthfully, remembering all of the different scenarios of what could have happened she'd thought of. "But I didn't. She wanted to help and I didn't stop her."

Before she could say anything more, a blue orb burst from her hand hitting the image of El, making it shimmer away.

Nikki cried into her hands as she sat down on the forest floor.

It's my fault. It's all my fault.

"Nikki," Gwen's soothing voice stopped her thoughts. She felt Gwen wrap her arms around her and hug her tightly. "I think we're done here." She said looking up at Ivory.

"Me too," Ivory agreed, "because I've seen all that I needed to see."


After explaining to Max what was going on, she agreed to go to the junk yard with him to see the Demogorgon. Even though she agreed he could still tell she didn't believe him.

But that's okay, he told himself. Everything will be back to normal after they take care of Dart. Then Max will have to believe us.

"I said medium-well!" Lucas yelled after seeing Steve Harrington (yes, the Steve. He still couldn't believe it) and Dustin dumping raw meat on the ground.

They looked over at him as he waved and he and Max started to get to work.

Well, more like Max got to work and Lucas told Dustin what happened at the arcade.

"You told her?" Dustin gaped at him.

"So what?" Lucas tried to shrug it off but Dustin wasn't having it.

"'So what?'" Dustin repeated.

"You wanted to tell her, too," Lucas said. "And I'm trying to help you with getting back on her good side. You should be thanking me that she's here and willing to give us a chance."

"I didn't need your help. I would have made it up to her in different way. We agreed not to tell her and look for Dart."

"Who you conveniently found."

"Are you suggesting that I'm lying?" Dustin asked, offended.

"I'm saying you have a creepy bond with him."

"Yeah, that was before he turned into a Demogorgon."

"And you haven't heard from Mike?"


"Or Will?" Lucas started to get a little worried for his friends.



"No!" Dustin raised his voice. "No one is around. Why do you think I'm with Steve Harrington? Something's-"

"Wrong," Lucas finished his sentence. "I agree. Which is why we need as much help as we can get."

The boys both looked over the car they were crouched behind to look at the girl.

"If it makes you feel better," Lucas said, watching the girl move pieces of metal in the bus, "she didn't believe me anyway."

"You probably didn't tell it right," Dustin sighed watching the girl with a small smile on his face.

"That must be it," Lucas agreed, looking at his best friend. He held out his hand for his friend. "So, we good?"

Before Dustin could shake his hand, a loud bang scared the two boys out of their conversation.

"Hey! Dickheads!" Steve Harrington yelled at them, holding an old chair. "How come the only one helping me is this random girl? We lose light in 40 minutes. Let's go. Let's go, I said!"

The two boys followed him to the bus, both yelling at him as they walked.

"All right, asshole! God!"

"Okay! Stupid."


"Your powers are just like mine when it comes to emotions," Ivory said from her seat across from Nikki. After Nikki calmed down for the second time, they all agreed they should go back to the house to talk. "If it's a bad emotion, like sadness, fear, or anger, your powers become more difficult to control. But if you feel good emotions, like happiness, calm, or even love, they can be controlled easily."

"How do you know this?" Nikki asked sitting next to Gwen on the couch.

"Like I said, your powers work just like mine," Ivory said, raising her hand. Before Nikki knew what was going on, a large vine from a potted plant started growing more and more, until it almost touched Ivory's hand. "If I'm feeling a good emotion, I can control my powers easily. The more bad emotions I feel, the harder it is to control it."

She put her hand down and the vine went back to its normal size.

"When you were remembering all of those bad memories, you had a hard time controlling your powers. But, the second Gwen managed to knock you out of your thoughts, your powers subsided and you gain control once again," Ivory looked between the two girls. "Gwen must have made you feel safe, yes?"

Nikki nodded as Gwen grabbed her hand.

"Use that kind of emotion to the best of your ability," Ivory continued. "Try to push down the bad emotions and feel the good ones. You're powerful when you're in control, but if you get out of control, if you let your emotions get the best of you, you could end up destroying a lot more than you intend to."

Gwen cleared her throat after a second of silence. "Thank you for everything, but I think it's best if we start heading home."

Authors note
I really loved writing this chapter! It was fun!

Love ya!!❤️❤️❤️

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