Chapter 9: Fight

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Two months had passed and the now one and a half year old had developed his walking abilities quite a bit. He could walk for long periods of time and also get into things now, receiving many scoldings from Bruce and Alfred.

Something else that would happen now was Damian would somehow get a hold of Bruce's Batman cape and run around yelling "I am Bat!"

Many times he would tumble from tripping over the comparatively ginormous cape causing Bruce to have a mini heart attack and need to rush to his son and save him.

Though normally everyone laughed at the adorable sight Alfred catching it on camera for both memories and future blackmail.

One day though the boys helped Damian take this a little bit farther.

Bruce had just got out of the shower and had his robe on towel over his neck. As he passed by his bed he swore he saw a small shadow on top of it.

"I am Bat!" Said a small grumbly voice that was trying to sound tough.

Bruce turned on his light to find Damian standing there in a Batman costume.

He had his cape draped around him like Bruce would and a tough look on his face.

"Damian? Alright who got you the costume?"

"No I'm Bat!"

Bruce smiled and put his hands under Damian's arms, much to his surprise, and lifted him up in the air.

"Alright I've got you Baby Bat!"


Damian laughed uncontrollably as Bruce spun him in the air and gave him a raspberry on his chubby belly. Damian tried to kick off his father's chest but enjoyed this far to much.

"I hope you never have to wear this suit when you're older."

He then took of the costumes cowl and drew his son closer to his chest placing a kiss on his head.

"Damian? Do you want to be him, or is it only because of me?"

Damian looked at his father with a turned head rather confused at his father's question.

"You don't get it do you?"

Bruce sat down on the bed and shifted Damian onto his lap.

"You don't have to be Batman you can do anything that you want to."


Damian looked up at Bruce reaching for his face. Bruce happily brought the baby on his lap up to his face.

"Just look at your brothers they all have found different things and I'm so proud of them. And you don't, unlike them, have to be anyone but Damian Wayne."

Damian then snuggled into Bruce's chest happy to have once again ruled over his father's attention. Bruce definitely loved his son and hoped that he would not have any interest in The Bat business but something told him that wouldn't be true.

Meanwhile in the back all the boys and Alfred were watching the scene in tears over Bruce's confection of his care for them.

Two weeks later

It seemed that not everything was peaches and cream for Bruce and Jason started to argue again. It was about everything from missions to dynamics at home. However one cold winter's night a particularly bad argument broke out between them.

"How could you do that Jason you nearly got yourself, Tim, and Dick killed!"

"I did what I had to do to take down croc if not he would have taken us down!"

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