Chapter 4: Truly Loved

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Damian squirmed and cried the entire time Jason had him. He was angry at the fact that someone besides Daddy, Dick, or Alfred was holding him as well as very hungry.

"Geesh how do you get this brat to shut up already?" Jason asked himself as he tried to make a bottle for Damian.

Jason was seething out of frustration and irritation from Damian's crying. He finally made the right mixture of formula and started to heat it up. As he did he started to jostle and rock Damian while waiting for it to be done and noticed he was quiet now.

Damian had managed to calm down a bit and started to stare at Jason.

"Why are you staring at me brat?"

Damian gurgled and then grabbed Jason's nose suddenly fascinated by his face. Just as Jason was ready to beat the kid he got a glimpse of Damian's emerald eyes. As he looked into them now making eye contact with Damian he saw something familiar in them.

A boy who wanted the one who cared most about them, the one who showed them love this reason he always wanted Bruce. Jason had experienced this especially when he was younger he had just come off the streets from a drug addicted family and was taken in by Bruce.

While Bruce could be hard on him at times he still was the only one who accepted him for him. He tried to make him the best he could and showed while not openly or in an affectionate way love.

The bottle was finally done and Jason took it out giving it to Damian who greedily sucked on it. As he did so Jason felt Damian's dependency for him, something he'd hadn't felt a lot. While he felt wanted by Bruce and all his Bat brothers no one had ever really shown they needed him. That is until this moment where Damian truly depended on him.

Jason drew Damian in close and even placed a kiss on top of his head as he drank the bottle. At that moment he felt a deep connection and protectiveness for the small babe not willing to let anyone or anything remotely hurt the small child.

"So I see that he's grown on you."

Jason turned around and saw Bruce standing their in the doorway. He blushed a bit from his softness being revealed a bit.

"I guess he's not so bad but he's still a brat. So how did it go with Talia?"

"Well the good news is we are keeping Damian, but I'm afraid we may have to keep a constant eye on him who knows what the League might try."

Jason nodded and then focused on Damian who had now finished his bottle. He was now asleep and ready for a nap.

"I'll take him up for his nap."

Jason then reluctantly handed the sleeping Damian to Bruce and turned to clean off the bottle.

Bruce walked slowly and carefully upstairs as to not disturb his son. After eventually getting to Damian's room Bruce decided to stick around for awhile and rocked his son. As he did he couldn't help but stare and talk softly to his son.

"I'll never let anyone get to you Damian that I can promise you. Nor will I ever let you go this was my home and now it's yours."

Damian cooed a bit in his sleep as if he were listening to his father. He then cuddled real close to Bruce's chest basking in the warmth it provided.

For a few minutes Bruce stood there happily watching his son, but then it came time to leave for he had some work to do before patrol tonight. He gently put his son in his crib leaving a kiss on his head.

After he gently closed the door and a longing stare Bruce headed down to the Batcave.

For a few hours he typed at the computer and after he finally finished he could tell tonight was going to be a long night. As Bruce came up the stairs back up to the manor he heard the usual bickering of Tim and Jason coming from . However today's fight was about something entirely different from the usual bickering.

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