The question..

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What time is it?? I don't wanna get up. I looked at the clock and say it was 7 am. Ugh I have to get up. I'll splash my face with water maybe that'll wake me up. I walked to the bathroom and ques what? It's Saturday. I thought this only happens in movies. Yea well I'm up now, I'll see if mom is awake. Owh She's sleeping, I won't wake her up, she's probably still tired from the premiere yesterday.
I grabbed my dairy and started writing: So I'm in the kitchen eating food, I made a what exclusive breakfast this morning, I just felt like it. Should I make my mom breakfast in bed, yes that's actually a great thought. The last time I did that was on mothersday, and she always makes breakfast for me so yeah. And I can get her in a good mood, so I can ask the question that I've wanted to ask since I was 12... Let's do it!! I putted my diary down and started making some fruit smoothie, and some bread ofc! Let's see how mom is gonna react.
"Heyy, are you up?"
"Hi honey, I'm u- awww did you made that for us?"
"Sure did!"
"Aww that's so sweet!!"
I want to ask her but I'm so so nervous and I don't know why, yeah I do know why. I know she's gonna say that it's not possible but I just don't wanna live unknown for the rest of my life!!
"Yes sweetie?"
"Ehm I wanted to ask you if-     
well I've-
Ehm finished my English book report, and that you can sign it." C'mon Grace, how hard can it be, why on earth can't I ask this, im such a wimp. I can't believe my self right now.
"Of course I'll sign it."
"Oke thx."
"Did you have fun yesterday with Courteney?"
"Yea I did, we watched a movie and then your premier!"
"That sounds fun!"
"It was! But I'm gonna go to my room."
"Alright, are you gonna watch Stranger Things?"
"Yesss, or make edits! I can not believe you've met Winona, or better KISSED HER"
"Hey! You promised that we aren't gonna talk about that!!" Mom said laughing.
"Can I please meet millie or Sadie?"
"Grace... you know the answer, im sorry.."
"Mom please.... Can you at least think about it? And not just about that! I'm 14 I want a normal life and I I don't care if I'm famous or not!"
"C'mon mom, I'm 14!!" I ran to my room, and fast grabbed my dairy.

————————————————————————it's a little short, but I hope you guys like it so far!!

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