New Counselor

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Rosie's Pov-

I was walking around town. Trying to find any fliers for a job. Preferably a job where my nieces and nephews and can visit me.  I stumbled over a flier for a summer camp? I picked it up. "New counselors needed...huh...I think this is it." I called the number on the flier and waited a bit. "Hello!" a voice said. I smiled "Hi! My name is Rosie. I called to see if the position for camp counselor is still open." I said. The voice gasped "Really?! You want to be a camp counselor?!" I laughed at that. This person must be very cheerful. "Yep!" I replied. They gasped again "See Gwen?! I told you the fliers were a good idea! Anyways, Yes the position for camp counselor is still open!" They said happily. "Great! I'd like to apply!" I said confidently. "Great! I'll meet you at the camp for the interview!" They replied. "Alright! Bye!" I say, hanging up.  Now to get ready!

~~~~~~~~~~~~Time skip to the interview ~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I waited at the entrance, fidgeting with my sweater. A tall man who seemed about my age walked up to me. He seems very cheerful. "Hi there! You must be Rosie, correct?" He asked. I nodded. "My name's David! I'll be your Co counselor!" He explained. "Alright!" I said.  We walked into the camp. I looked around, seeing all the Kids. I got some strange stares, but I ignored it. "So Rosie, why do you want to be a counselor?"  David asked. "Well I like camping and I wanted a job where I could possibly see my nieces and nephews. They may show up here so don't be surprised to see about 5 new kids show up." I explained. He smiles wider "That's amazing! I bet the campers will be excited to know that more kids will show up!" He says happily. He pauses for a moment "...You don't happen to be familiar with the name Xemug do you?" He asks, a bit concernedly. I shook my head "Nope. Sounds like a weird thing you'd hear in a video game."Alright! Well Rosie, your hired! Welcome to camp campbell, new counselor!" He said. I smiled. "Yes! When do I start?" I asked. "You start today!" He says. I nod. 

"Hi David! Who's this!" I look down to see a girl with teal hair. "Well Nikki, this is the new counselor Rosie!" David responds happily. I put out my hand for her to shake. She stares at it for a moment and then bites me?! David gasps at this "Nikki please don't bite her!" I stare at her and shake my arm a bit to get her off. "Woah! You're the first person not to be phased by me bitting you! Are you an alpha wolf?!" She asks. I smirk "Nope! I've just dealt with crazier situations than this!" I say proudly. Two other kids come up behind Nikki. "David, who the fuck is this?!" I hold back laughter, staring at the black haired boy. "Language Max. And this is the new counselor Rosie!" David explains. I start laughing a bit. "Who're you laughing at, bitch?" The kid I now know is Max says, giving me a stare. I smile "No one! No one!" I say, laughing much harder. 

He scoffs "Come on guys. let's just go" He says, dragging his two friends away with him. Nikki waving excitedly and Neil waving shyly.  I give a small a wave back. "You seem to be pretty good with kids." David says, smiling. I sigh "Yep! I have 3 nieces and 3 nephews! There's nothing crazier than having to take care of them while they're each having a sugar rush!" I explain. "And as for the biting, the youngest bites people to show affection since he doesn't know how to express it" I say smiling at the memory. 

"Aw that's nice! Wait, you said 5 were coming to camp. What about the other one?" He asks. "He's autistic. He's one of the types that can't stay without his mom for more than a day before he has a meltdown. Plus he doesn't speak, meaning we won't know if he's ok in case something happens. And also, He's hyper and most likely to get lost and never come back" I said. "Oh! Well that's ok!"He says. I nod, smirking a bit "Besides, it already seems like you have enough chaos with the kids here. Adding all 6, would be almost deadly!" I said. "What do you mean? The kids are fi-" He cuts himself of as I point to Max with a box of matches, probably about to set a tree on fire.  "Max no! Don't hurt the trees!" David yells, running over. I just watch in interest as the chaos continues to escalate. A lady comes up to me "Let me guess, new counselor?" She asks. I nod. She sighs "He probably forgot to give you a tour didn't he?" She asks. "Yep." I reply. She grabs my hand and says "Come on. I'll show you around this hell of a nightmare." I laugh at that statement.

~~~~~~~~~~~~ With one of the 5 mystery campers (Hehehe *Evil laugh*)~~~~~~~~~~~~~

??? Pov-

"Dad! This is a scam camp! There could be bad ki-" I was cut off with a smack to the face. It stung...hard. Tears sprung to my eyes. "Don't talk back to me! Especially not while I'm playing Fortnite!" He yelled. I began to shake violently when there was a loud knock on the door. My dad sprung up and began to baby me, wiping my tears away and cooing fake apologies before answering the door. I smiled genuinely when I saw who it was. She always saves me every time.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Back with Rosie and Gwen (Who are done with the tour)~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Rosie's Pov-

I sat in the counselor's cabin watching trash tv with Gwen. The campers were all asleep and David was too. We chatted about our ships and OTPs.  When we were done talking, She ended up falling asleep. I smiled and pulled out my phone, texting my brother and sister about the camp and how their children could go. My sister immediately replied with yes. Now all I needed was my brother to comply and everything would be like home again! 

Let's just hope he says yes.

~Chapter 1 end~

Rosie info:

Age: 21

Gender: Non binary 

Pronouns: Any

nicknames: Tia, Greek yogurt the 3rd, gurt, person, dead friend, poopyhead, stupid, weirdo, alien child, alien girl, floof head, and many more.

Status: Camp Counselor

Relationships (What they think of Rosie):

~ David- Amazing friend

~ Gwen- Good friend

~ Nikki- Cool (For a counselor) 

~ Niel- Unsure

~ Max - Just another extremely annoying counselor

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2021 ⏰

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