Chapter 6: Newfangled

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["And, against all odds, things only got worse."]


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"Seriously, fuck me." I sighed with annoyance and got up to get some water from the kitchen.

"Are you alright?" Uncle Billy asked as I stormed into the room.

"Yeah. Just trying not to have a nervous breakdown." I mumbled to myself.

"I'm sorry, I couldn't hear you." He wheeled closer to listen in.

"I said, I felt kind of nauseous, so I wanted to get some water." I lied.

"Water is a good idea." He agreed. "Mind grabbing me a glass?"

"Sure," I said while opening the cabinet and grabbing a cup.

"Why are you clutching your chest?" My uncle suddenly asked. I turned to him with a confused expression then looked down to my left hand to see it pressed firmly against my sternum.

That was when the awareness set in. Discomfort; a mixture of soreness and nausea. "I don't know." I rubbed the area again to try to alleviate the weird sensation. "I-It feels kind of tight--" I finished that sentence with a cough followed by another and another.

"Casey? Casey!"

I felt the glass I was previously holding slip from my grip as everything started to spin. "I think I'm gonna throw up."

Pain, I was in a lot of pain. I gripped onto the kitchen table for support in a whole-hearted attempt to not fall to the floor. One arm was holding the table while the other was clasped over my chest.

"Casey!" My uncle grabbed my arm to try and steady me.

"What is happening?" I cried as intense nausea swept over me.

"It's gonna be okay. Help is on the way!" He tried to comfort me as he reached for his phone. I presumed to either call my mother or possibly an ambulance.

"I'm gonna throw up!" I yelped and lunged for the garbage can. I slumped over it as I spewed the last thing I ate. That being Luna's cookies.

"It's okay. You're gonna be okay." My uncle fed me empty reassurances. "Oh, you're mother isn't gonna be happy about this."

I ignored him and looked down at the mess in the trash bin lodged between my hands. With the odd assortment of colors, there was one that was more than a bit alarming. I winced as I noticed the distinctive red that was mixed within. "B-blood," I said to no one in particular. I think it was mostly to myself. Almost like it was a way of allowing the disturbing situation at hand to finally sink in. This shit was really happening. I whimpered again, then said, "that's not good." As if that wasn't already blatantly obvious.

"Yeah, Sam? It's happening. He doesn't have much time." My uncle spoke over the phone, which only furthered my confusion.

"Sam?" I said as the world around me was in a haze. "W-why him?"

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