"I guess that's the case," the latter acknowledged with a nod and after that, he stayed silent for the remainder of their walk.

They exited the airport lounge and directly headed for a waiting gray Bentley parked a few meters from the entrance. It was a distance enough to dampen their clothes though as both had no umbrellas in hand.

"Mr. Sherd, to the Archbishop Palace please," Father Zefron ordered as soon as they both slipped inside the car with him sitting in the front seat while Father Azrael in the back.

"All right," the driver said with a nod.

It was roughly a thirty-minute drive from the airport back to the Palace. It was a long travel, but Father Azrael made do turning to the outside scenery to amuse his boredom. He had never been in the City of Soren before. Never had he thought that it would look provincial as the car covered a kilometer after, exiting the boundary of the bustling main city to more peaceful and serene farm lands.

'No wonder demons are active here,' a thought crossed his mind.

Demon boredom - that was what his mind considered. It was always the case every time there was a demon possession, but surely, there were other reasons why these dark entities frequented the same area.  Why they seem keen on targeting the St. Therese Charity House. As instructed by the Holy Pope of course, he was to find out the reason behind it.

"Are we heading straight to the Charity House, Father Zefron?" he asked, suddenly feeling impatient.

The one questioned shook his head, turned to look at him from the front seat and replied, "No, Father. Bishop Elliot instructed that you should settle in your room at the Palace first. He will accompany you after that."

"Hmm, I see," Father Azrael nodded and afterwards returned to watch the various wet greenery that passed them.

          The rain had finally ceased, but its downpour left the road ankle-deep flooded when they reached the town of Sereves where the Archbishop Palace was located

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          The rain had finally ceased, but its downpour left the road ankle-deep flooded when they reached the town of Sereves where the Archbishop Palace was located.

Usually, the town at this time would have been asleep still, but it was already bustling with activities. Many crops and plant vendors had just set up their tents along the roads. Wagons and booths of different sizes occupied the lawns to provide much needed refreshments and entertainment, and over a clear field, a mini amusement park began to take form.

This was the first of the three-day feast of St. Therese of the Child Jesus, the patron of the town and this was exactly the reason why their car got stranded in an intersection due to traffic.

'Hmm, the perks of the human world,' Father Azrael thought out aloud.

Looking at the activity beyond the car's window, his eyes rested on a certain area untouched by all the frenzy. It was a small lawn with little to no vegetation surrounded by a picket fence. A woman inside bent over to pick up a stem of freesia flowers from its soil and as she did, her long locks of chestnut brown hair immediately fell down. She looked ethereal, at peace, exactly an opposite to the clamor outside the fence.

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