Chapter One, Second Mate already?

Start from the beginning

"Are submissives normally so shallow that they pick a mate by face value things?" Mia asked, confused.
"They do unfortunately. And not everyone can be as special as you Mia Elizabeth Potter." Fred teased lovingly, kissing her softly on the lips.
"I apologise. It's been told by Elders and at the Academies that you have to state everything, which as you said is rather shallow. I'm glad my mate is not like that." André grinned. "And it is truly special to feel attracted to each other before your Inheritances." He added, smiling at the pair causing Mia to blush.
"Fred Gideon Weasley, dominant, Beta and a protector." Fred said, sticking out his hand to André.
"Pleasure." André greeted, with a smile.
"Mia Elizabeth Potter." Mia said tentatively, pausing as she waited for him to gawk at her scar.

"Don't worry my chérie I will not gawk at your scar. It is barbaric that people celebrate what happened and forget how much you lost." André said, before kissing the back of her hand.
"Thank you André." Mia said with relief, smiling happily at him. She was glad she had someone else who would treat her normally like Fred does, but she cursed the Potter luck for bringing her two mates already.
"I built a house that is large enough to hold all of your mates and future children; it's five floors so there's plenty of room and it's by the beach." André started, before Mia cut him off.
"Really? I've never been to the beach before?!" She asked excitedly.
"Yes my love. And the three of us can go there anytime you wish." André smiled, endearingly at her. "Would you want to stay here or move in with me? I haven't decorated, I wanted all of us to decorate and make it ours instead of mine."

"We are actually moving there so it would be nice to not have to find our own place there. I have a shop I'm opening with my twin brother in Arcadia Way. Everything's packed and ready to go, we were just waiting for the inheritance." Fred explained. "Hedwig is Mia's familiar." He added, when he noticed that Hedwig had arrived back from hunting and was assessing André with a critical stare.
"Ahh I see." André said, nodding his head, standing perfectly still as he let the snowy owl assess him. After a few minutes she hooted and landed on his shoulder and groomed his curly hair.
"She likes you." Mia grinned happily. "And she doesn't like many people."

"Well I'm honoured I meet your approval Hedwig." André grinned, stroking her breast feathers. "Would you like me to take your belongings to the Manor and then come back for the pair of you? Also happy birthday Mia." He added, smiling at the blush that spread across her cheeks.
"Happy birthday sweetheart." Fred said, wrapping his arms around her waist and kissing her cheek. "That would be great, thank you André. I need to send a letter to my family and Mia's Godfather, letting them know we are moving there today and will have to celebrate Mia's birthday with them a bit later. But we will definitely celebrate your birthday sweetheart." Fred promised.

"Of course we will." André added, he can tell by Mia's eyes that she's had a hard life and not only from what the Wizarding World knew. He feared the Muggles she had been rumoured to live with had something to do with it, but he won't push her as he knew how detrimental that could be. "I'll get started now and then we can all get some sleep. Mia needs it more than us." He added, as he coaxed Hedwig back into her cage.
"Wait a minute." Mia said, as an idea popped into her head. "Dobby. Kreacher. Winky." A second later three loud pops sounded one after the other.
"Half-blooded Mistress calls for Kreacher and with a stranger and a Blood-traitor too. Oh the shame-" Kreacher was cut off by Dobby thumping him over the head.

"You shall not speak that way of my Miss Mia!" Dobby shouted. "No you shall not! Dobby shan't let you!" While Winky stood there cringing with wide eyes as the two male House-elves started fighting.
"Stop!" Mia ordered, causing the two to freeze. "Dobby no matter what Kreacher does you can't fight him, reprimand yes, but violence doesn't solve anything." Mia said motherly, causing a blush to spread across his cheeks. "Kreacher, I shall deal with you in a moment." She said firmly, giving the elderly House-Elf a firm hard stare before she turned to Winky and kneeled down in front of her. "Winky, I know you miss working for your Master and while I can't give you your old job back I can, however, give you a new one." Mia said, watching as Winky's eyes light up with hope.

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