They exit to deafening applause and loud music being played which makes it even harder for Bree to try and calm herself. She then tries another method by searching for Charlie in the crowd and it doesnt take her long to find him sitting at the front with her family, Mr Weasley and Bill. He quickly notices how scared she seems and demonstrates taking a deep breath before letting it out. She does as he suggests and is suprised when it does help some as she gives him a smile in thanks before Dumbledore makes everyone go quiet. "Earlier today professor Moody hid the cup deep within the maze, only he knows its exact position. Now Ms. Tonks" the crowd cheers "and Mr. Potter" they cheer again "are tied for first place so they will be first to enter, followed by Mr. Krum and Ms. Delacour" Dumbledore explains to the crowd before beckoning the champions towards him. "In the maze you will find no creatures of the deep, you see people change in there. Oh find the cup if you can but be careful, you may lose yourself along the way" he tells them seriously before getting them to take their marks. Ted waits by Brees mark and as soon as she is near him he pulls her in for a tight hug while telling her "i love you and good luck". "I love you too dad and i'll see you soon" his daughter replies just as the cannon sounds making her jump. She looks at her dad one last time before cautiously entering the maze with it closing behind her. The maze was dark and misty as she made her way through it as efficiently as possible. No matter how many turns she took it didn't feel like she was getting any closer to the cup. Suddenly she heard a shout and ran towards it. What she saw was Victor pointing his wand at Harry threateningly causing her protective instincts to make an appearance. "Get down" she warns Harry which he does just before she shoots a spell at Victor, knocking him out. Bree then moves to help the young boy up who thanks her. "Come on" the blonde instructs him as they begin to run through the maze side by side until they reach the beginning of a trail and see the cup glowing at the end. The two share a relieved look before running again to try and get to it. Unfortunately Bree ended up falling as vines wrapped around her pulling her to the ground and making it impossible to use her wand. "Harry" she shouted desperately towards the boy, not wanting to be taken by the vines. Said boy stops to look back at her and on noticing her predicament quickly calls out 'Reducto' towards her. The vines instantly stop moving as Bree begins to pull herself out with Harry running back to help. "Thanks" Bree tells him gratefully receiving a nod in reply from the boy just as a strong wind begins to blow and she pushes him ahead of her towards the cup. "You take it, you deserve it" Bree insists Harry once they are standing in front of the cup. "Together" Harry tells her which she agrees to and on the count of three they both grab a handle only to be whisked away from the maze. "Uh it was a portkey" groans Bree in annoyance before rolling over to empty her stomach. "Bree we need to leave now" Harry urgently tells her once she is able to stand up and look around, realising they are in a graveyard. "Why, what's wrong?" she asks him as she wearily looks around before hearing him scream out in pain and running over to him. "What's wrong Harry?" the blonde asks him concerned however his only response is him trying to push her back towards the cup and urgently telling her through a groan "get back to the cup". Bree then takes notice of a figure coming towards them and points her wand at them demanding "who are you? What do you want?". She then suddenly screams in pain as a knife is thrown into her stomach and she falls to the ground with a screech. "No Bree!" she hears Harry cry out for her but she can't move as the pain from the knife is too intense. All she can do is listen to a mans voice list things he needs and Harrys scream as he does something to him. Next she hears a cold voice ask for his wand then speak to what seems to be more people. She then hears light footsteps make there way towards her and before she knows it You- Know- Who is standing above her with a sneer. Her eyes widen slightly at the sight of him while he tells her "ah yes Breeanne Tonks, the daughter of a blood traitor and a mudblood". Bree growls at him through her pain "don't speak about my family that way you snake". "I'll admit your courage is admirable, maybe this will help" he tells her before using magic to twist the knife in her stomach causing her to scream and cry loudly from the agony it caused. "STOP IT LEAVE HER ALONE" she just about hears Harry shout over her screams which he does and moves to deal with the boy. Bree pants and whimpers from the pain she was in as her eyes begin to gain dark spot in front of them. She tries and tries to fight the darkness but before too long the pain becomes too much and she is pulled under.

Harry arrives back at the start of the maze with one arm around an unconcious Bree while the other holds the cup. He hears the crowd cheering and the band start playing while he only cries and hugs Bree tighter. Suddenly Abby and Fleurs screams cut through the celebrating causing everyone to go quiet and properly take in the scene before them. "No, my baby" screams Andromeda as herself, Ted, Tonks and Charlie runs over along with Dumbledore before the crowd gathers round. The Tonks family along with Charlie kneel down with a cry beside their girl once they can properly see the knife and amount of blood she had lost. "Hes back, hes back, Voldemorts back. He stabbed Bree and i wasn't able to stop him. Im sorry, im so sorry" cries Harry as Dumbledore tries to calm him. Ted gently lifts his daughters body into his arms while his wife keeps crying out "no, not my baby please". Fortunately this allows him to hear his daughters quiet laboured braths as he quickly calls out "help shes still breathing". Madame Pomfrey immeaditely rushes over to check if it was true, which it was. "We need to get her up to the hospital quickly" rushes Pomfrey as she instantly uses her wand to float Bree from her fathers arms and rush her away from the devestating scene and up to the hoslital. Charlie and the Tonks family quickly follow behind the healer with Charlies heart feeling slightly relieved that there is still a chance to save her. When he saw the knife in her stomach his heart instantly shattered inside his chest at the thought he had lost her forever but hopefully thats not the case. He would keep praying for her to fight through this until he gets to look into those sea blue eyes again.

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