Chapter 5 Satan (1020-1389 AC)

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When we we're able to get out of the dongeon (903 AC), we went outside to sign a pact with Satan saying that I legaly allowed in Hell because I was a Nephillim, when he learned I was Lilith's first daughter, he steped back and he said he was sorry for the disturbs and that if I restrained to go on earth for 200 years, he would drop everything against me and let us be free... The Queen then arrived and this is their conversation...

- You know brother, even if you have more powers than me, doesn't mean I don't have any.. They will leave for earth in 10 days, BUT, they will get married before they leave so, in 9 days, they will marry and then leave for their 200 years. This is a final decision. – Qlilith

- My sister, why is it so important for them to get married? – Satan

- Well, do you know whats going to happen if my contract ends before another Queen is throned? Avery single one of the kids is going to burn till death. My contract ends in 2 weeks so, we're in a hurry. – Qlilith

- Shit, okay then, they will go to earth in 3 days and they will get maried in 2, that, is a final decision. – Satan

- Fine. Demons, prepare everything, I want, the ceremony emplacement ready for tomorrow, the food also and the cake ready for the day after tomorrow. – Qlilith

- Yes m'aam – Demons

- What?! Right now!! – H

- Baby, you've been here for a long time now, and our marigae is the only thing that can save us all right now. Plus, you don't have a choice. – L

- Urgh.. fine

So now, me and Lucas have been maried and king and Queen for 117 years and we still have 83 years on earth, the world has changed a whole lot since I came here last time... Its still just the year 1020 but huh, there's a lot of difference between the year 600 and 1020... The citizens are starting a lot more to believe in Gods, anyways in two days its new years eve wich means in about 3 days we'll be in 1021. Can't believe we'll only have 82 years left in this paradise on earth...

**82 years later (1003AC)**

Soo, Lucas and I just realised that Satan blocked us from going back... we we're supposed to leave in a week but we just got a letter saying that since I'm not PREGNANT, we can't go back, me and Lucas have been in good terms since we got here because obviously, we've been maried and living together for more than 100 years counting the dongeon years so yeah we're in good terms, not as much as a maried couple should be but, we've been sleeping in the same bed for about 30 years but we've NEVER had any sexual intercourse... I'm not ready to have a kid with him... like yes, right now he's a good husband but like, he tortured me for years and he's way to controling, way to much, I can't even go outside our property cause he don't want any other men seeing me??? Other than going on "dates with him" I never go outside.. Yes, Lucas is still trying to make me fall in love with him, like I'm considering him like my friend rn because we have our laughs but like, I don't know I just can't imagine seeing him as the father of my child... Like except at our mariage, we've never kissed! Okay, no, I'm not has descusted has I was years before, but I'm scared he'll be to controlant if we decide to be something you know...

** year 1380 AC**

So, me and Lucas have come to a decision that it's better for us if we just have a child of God, since we're King and Queen its our duty to be resonsible, so we've been practicing, like you know... Last time I've been here, we left on the night where Lucas was going to ask me to go on another date, but I didn't tell you that... anyways, we've been on multiple other dates after that and you know, after living almost your whole life with a man that's trying to make you fall in love with him... you kinda fall, right? Anyways, for about 121 years now, we've been an actual couple, and yesterday, I found out I was pregnant... I'm one day old but we received a message that a nephillim baby takes 9 years to develop in the belly and then 500 years outside to become an actual nephilim and then, takes 10 minutes to grow into a baby... Father sent me a message saying he would send me a doctor to help me give birth without anyone knowing the child won't be human so that's good!

We still don't know if the second nephilim will be a girl or a boy but what ever gender she is we'll love her/him no mater what.

**9 years later**

Nothing much really happened within the 9 years from where we left but today we are expecting the baby, I started having conrtactions two days ago and we haven't met him so we are stressed a lot for the baby... we know that God/ Father sent us one but we don't know how or when we'll meet him...

For the past 6 years, Lucas has started to let me go outside of the house since the baby bump has started to grow, that way I look more "normal" like he said and that my security is higher if I look like the "norms", anyways... We're going to the store to get some stuff for the delivery but I'm sure we'll meet the doc there.

As I thought, we met the doctor and we're going to the main house dor the delivery, my contractoins are sooo worst than before right now, it's like the baby knows that he/she's about to come to the world...!

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