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I, Allovera Keiser, was created and dropped above The Ancient Germany buy god to go « help » Jesus after forty days of being in the dead. Angels are sent to earth to save a kid of god from the dead, on earth to save the humanity from disaster. Anyways, angels have 500 years to prepare them selves to go give a second life to a Maltered (Son Of God) and then to go on and permanently « live » on earth to help it with wars. Just so you know, Angels like me are immortal. I was created on April 4th of 001 and was trained to fight world wars, I was mostly trained to fight with archery because Father thinks its way easier to learn everything else with this base, I also know how to fight with knives and swords.

People sometimes assume that Angels have a white robe with white wings, for some reasons, my wings are black and gold, oh well, but seriously Angels have that « angelic » look, like our bodies are the definition of perfection so when we fight the others would be « attracted to our look » kind of like we have that magic in our eyes from Mother Heaven that makes the wished ones under your control... Obviously, Angels learn a lot of things in 500 years to be able to be sent on earth, like you learn the whole world buy heart, every streets we know them so we don't get lost on our way to find the lost Stanerys, and a whole lot of languages so we know what to say and we understand the others, per example I know German, English, French, Russian, Spanish, Arabic, Italian, Portuguese, Latin and that's for now, I mean, it is only 605 AC.. Here's everything you might want to know about Angels, we don't need water or food to survive, because we only have God's blood and my unknown Mother's hearts inside (we have 8 hearts), other than the hearts we have a Uterus just like humans and we have a vagina to, we don't have a back bottom hole because when we eat it's basically just because we're going to war and need power like when we eat hot things, it turn into fire energy, when we eat cold things, it turns into ice energy and room temperature foods are just not useful. Anyways, we puke insatead of pooping. I have been on earth for 605 years now, I've sent the lost Stanerys (son of god sent to deliver a message to the world) and yeah, I've been helping humans survive for 605 years now.


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