Chapter 9

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I woke up not wanting to get out of bed. I am allowed one free day every year. So I took it. I sat for hours staring at a wall that has at least thirty posters. The only thing is, is that I was looking at the blank space. The blank space was empty just like me. I know I have things in me but I wasn't being legitimate. I feel as if I was ripped into shreds and somebody tried to glue me together, but they failed miserably. My eyeball could actually be a few toenails and I just don't know it yet. I never understood how somebody could loathe themselves so much. I couldn't comprehend why someone would commit suicide, or cut, or even starve themselves. Why would someone throw something up just to lose weight? Now I understand it all. I am that person. Nobody should ever feel this way about something. It's horrible, this feeling. I need it to stop. I need it to end.

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