Chapter 10

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The last one

David was standing outside of Jennifer's house with a bag in his hand.

Four days ago, he had booked his ticket back to California. After the conversation he had with Jennifer, he didn't want to spend another day more in New York. He wanted to get back home. He wanted to get back to the person who he knew was waiting for him.


David's eyes roamed over the house in front of him.
Everything was dark, the only room being light up was her bedroom. The house in front of him somehow looked abandoned.

He had been there many times before, but David had never really taken a liking to it. It was a beautiful house, he couldn't deny that, but he has always felt like something was off about it, and he never managed to figure out why.

Now he knew.
Jennifer had never really belonged there.
That was the reason.

David took a deep breath as he felt how his heart was beating in his chest.
He couldn't set a word on what he was feeling.

He had not told Jennifer that he was arriving today. They had agreed that David would come next week when Jennifer had settled in her new house. But he couldn't wait for that long, he needed to get back to her as fast as possible.

Slowly, David began to walk towards the door of the house. His body was shaking with anticipation.
After months apart, finally, he got to see her face again.


It was over. The shooting was done.

David looked over at Jennifer and grabbed her hand before gently placing a kiss on her cheek.

"You were great, " he whispered as he gently wiped away fallen tears from her cheeks.
Jennifer immediately wrapped her arms around him, not caring about the cameras. Not caring that everyone was watching them.

The only thing that mattered to her at the moment, was David.

"Jennifer, everything will be okay, " he whispered in her ear. David knew what she was thinking. He knew what she was fearing.

"How do you know that?" Jennifer whispered back, not believing his words.

Jennifer broke their hug and looked David in the eyes, desperate for answers.

"Because we are David and Jennifer. We know each other, inside and out. Things will be different, we can't escape that. But..." David stopped and put his hand over Jennifer's heart.

"But deep down, everything will forever remain the same."

Tears fell from Jennifer's eyes as she listened to David's words. She placed her hand over his and squeezed it.

'Deep down, everything will forever remain the same.'

David's words stung.

She wanted to believe them, but for some reason, she couldn't.

Jennifer could already feel things changing between the two of them, and she wasn't ready for it.

She would never be ready for it.

"I'm going to miss you so much, " Jennifer cried as she wrapped her arms around his neck again.

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