Chapter 1

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A/N: This is the sequel to Drilis Ertugrul: A New love. Funduz is back! (Fatma and Gunduz) This is the story of what happened after Fatma and Gunduz's wedding and also this is Savci's love story 🤣

"Look at the lovely newlyweds... my precious niece and nephew" Selcan said as she looked lovingly at Fatma and Gunduz. Everyone was sitting together in the main tent, eating a delicious breakfast made by Fatma hatun. "Fatma Abla, this food is too good, Gunduz Abi is so lucky he gets to eat this everyday for the rest of his life"Osman said while his mouth was full of the amazing food he was eating. Everyone laughed at Osman's antics. "What do you mean Osman? I won't only cook for Gunduz, I will make breakfast for you everyday!"Fatma replied sweetly. "You're the best Fatma Abla!"Osman replied. "Ok Osman, eat your food and stop chatting"Halime Sultan said sternly to Osman. Ertugrul Bey noticed that Halime Sultan looked a bit angry, he thought to himself that he should ask her if she was ok when they were alone. "Fatma, your hands are as beautiful as your face"Gunduz said his most famous line to Fatma( AGAIN!). Everyone laughed and Fatma blushed. Osman and Savci almost spit out their food and started bursting into fits of laughter at how cheesy their brother was. "Oh Gunduz, we have heard you say that to Fatma so many times, Fatma will get bored of you saying the same thing again and again"Selcan Hatun teased. Hayme Ana rolled her eyes jokingly at everyone's antics. "But Selcan yenge, Ana doesn't get bored of Baba saying gazelle eyes to her a million times a day" Gunduz said without thinking. He then stopped to look at Ertugrul who was half-smiling and half-glaring at him. Halime Sultan was trying not to laugh. "That's true though Gunduz Abi but Baba is way more romantic than you, you're just cheesy and stupid"Osman said while chuckling. Savci laughed as well. Fatma and Selcan tried not to. Halime gestured at Osman to stop talking."Gunduz, Osman, that's enough. Everyone enjoy the food my daughter-in-law has made" Ertugrul Bey said. "Thank you my uncle"Fatma said to him.   

Many hours later (at night), in Ertugrul and Halime's tent:

Halime is alone in the tent, in her nightgown with her hair in a lose ponytail. She is folding her clothes neatly when Ertugrul walks in to the tent after a long day of performing his duties as the bey of Kayi tribe. As soon as he finished eating breakfast, he set off on his horse and he hadn't seen Halime since then. "Halime, my gazelle eyes, my angel. I missed you so much, It's been some hours since I saw you but it feels like it's been days. I am worried about you Halime"Ertugrul said as soon as he sat down next to Halime and looked into her gazelle eyes. "What happened to me for you to be worried about me, my bey?"Halime asked confusedly. "Halime, at breakfast, you looked angry and upset. Did I do something to upset you?"Ertugrul asked. "No my bey, but you could have asked me that at breakfast if you were so worried. I guess you, Gunduz, Osman, and everyone else were just too busy enjoying Fatma's amazing meal"Halime said bitterly. Ertugrul rolled his eyes jokingly and had a smirk on his face. "Halime, will you really be one of those mother-in-laws?  The ones who are jealous of their daughter-in-laws and treat them badly?"Ertugrul asked. "Ertugrul, when did I treat Fatma badly? It was just weird that everyone praised her food so much and no-one ever did that for me"Halime explained. "Halime, you are acting strange, get some rest, stop with this jealousy!"Ertugrul said, a bit harshly. "Now I'm acting strange!"Halime protested. "Halime, please relax, you make the best food in the whole wide world, Osman didn't mean to upset you when he said that Fatma makes really nice food, why did you get offended?"Ertugrul asked. "My bey, I don't know, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, I shouldn't be jealous, I worried you for no reason."Halime apologized. "It's ok my dear, go to sleep"Ertugrul responded, and then he kissed her lovingly on her forehead. 

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