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"We made Captain Man and Kid Danger famous in New York because of our game 'Adventures of Captain Man and Kid Danger' which, by the way, has over 6 million downloads, mostly because we get over 100,000 downloads every day!" Babe smiled.

Henry walked over to me. "Game Shakers, this is my girlfriend. Charlotte." I noticed Babe's face go from happy and excited to sad and disappointed.

I kissed his cheek, smiling as he held my hand, a little hesitation was noticeable.
I couldn't believe that Henry never told me about Babe and her friends. They sounded cool, but I was shocked.

"So. How long are you guys in Swellview?" I asked as Triple G ate a sausage.

"Only 2 weeks. My dad is grounding me and the only way to make me feel bad is by limiting my time in New York." Triple G spoke as Babe looked at me. It was like to her, I seemed suspicious.

I was glad that my friends were getting along with Charlotte. I thought that Babe would have attempted to maul Charlotte by now, but sitting together is making me feel a little better.

"So. You and Charlotte huh?" Hudson asked as he got some more food on his plate.

"Yeah. We're dating." I reassured him.

"Did you tell her about Babe?" He was confused.

"No. I thought that it was best for her not to know, since apparently Jasper once had a girlfriend who tried to kill her." I admitted.

"We might wanna be careful with Babe. She's had a huge crush on you since you guys met...and it never stopped, even after you left New York." Hudson was wary.

"Promise me. If I have to go on one date with Babe to break the news, i'll do it...with Charlotte's permission of course." I may not have liked dating her, but I was trying to be a gentleman like she had taught me.

"How did you and Charlotte become a couple?" Hudson seemed interested.

"It's a very complicated story." I didn't want Hudson to know just in case he blurted it to Babe who would then fight Charlotte.

"I have the time. I'm here for 2 weeks, remember?" Hudson patted my back.

"If I tell you, it better be a secret between us. Babe is NOT to find out...under any circumstances." I warned him, earning a nod.

"I promise you dude, Babe isnt going to find out...from you or from me." Hudson smiled.

I sat the boy down, letting him get ready before I started.

"As you know, I'm Kid Danger." I began my story. By the time it ended, Hudson was shocked.

"So you and Charlotte started dating only because she discovered your secret?" He was truly shocked.

"And now...I fear that if Babe finds out, she'll do everything in her power to break us up...and I don't want to hurt Charlotte, as much as I dislike dating her." I admitted, my head now in my hands.

"You should've rejected her deal. I mean, the relationship is clearly one-sided." Hudson looked over at Charlotte, who was looking a little uncomfortable.

"I couldn't. She would've told people my secret if I didn't agree. Besides, apparently she is trying to help me be a better boyfriend by dating her. My previous relationships haven't exactly...ended well." I rolled my eyes.

"Screw keeping the secret. I would not date a girl who basically manipulated me into a corner even if my alter ego was at stake." Hudsons judgement was very mistaken.

"Well, rejecting her wasn't an option. Not to Captain Man anyway. We wanted to keep our secret, so I agreed to the deal." I stood up, getting ready to head back to the group.

I walked back to the couch, seeing Charlotte and Babe talking. Before heading back, I stopped, making sure I was close enough to hear what they were saying, but far enough away that I wouldn't be seen.

"So. How did you and Henry become a couple?" Babe asked, smiling.

"Well...its a very long story." Charlotte was using the same tactic as me.

"I'm here for 2 weeks. It can't be that long." Babe insisted. Charlotte was never a good liar.

"Well...I had liked Henry for a while and he had liked me." Charlotte began. A few minutes later, her story was just about over after I walked over to the couch, grabbing Babe's attention.

"Wow, Henry...I never knew you were a hopeless romantic!" Kenzie, who had been listening to the story, was seemingly swooning over my amazing techniques on being a gentleman. I wrapped my arm around Charlotte's shoulder, squeezing it a little as she held it, smiling.

"We've been together ever since." She kissed my cheek. If only Babe, Kenzie and Triple G knew what Hudson knew.

"Oh yeah...they're madly in love." Ray shot down the tube, making his presence known.

"Captain Man!" Triple G hugged Ray before he backed away. "What are you doing?" Triple G asked as Captain Man put a piece of gum in his mouth.

"I'm gonna blow a bubble." He laughed. He said that when I first met him.

"You're gonna blow a bubble?" Kenzie was confused.

"I'm gonna blow your minds..." He laughed again, this time looking crazy. I smiled, as this was the exact conversation I had with Ray back when he first hired me as his sidekick.

After chewing vigorously, Captain Man blew a bubble before transforming back into Ray.

"Hey guys. I'm Ray. Captain Man is my alter ego." I was surprised that Ray had never told them before.

"Whoa!" Triple G smiled.

"I figured, that since you guys know that Henry is Kid Danger, it's only fair that you guys get to know me as my normal self. I'm Ray Manchester. I'm Henry's boss when we're not fighting crime and I run the fake cover store Junk 'N' Stuff to cover this magnificent Man Cave." Ray walked around, the attention on him and no longer on Charlotte and I...thank god.

The Deal//ChenryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora