His eyes drifted towards the edge of the parking lot. I followed his gaze to see Wesley Davenport, grinning broadly at us, standing in front of a huge van. Tyler furrowed his eyebrows. "You didn't tell me he was driving you up."

I turned to him, confused as I asked, "Is that a problem?"

But he didn't answer because Wes was walking up to meet us. "Masonette." He said in way of greeting. "And. . ." He waited for Tyler to introduce himself. And of course, he didn't.

"Tyler." I supplied. Tyler squeezed my hand a little tighter until I added, "My boyfriend." 

"I know. AJ told me." Wes stuck his hand out for Tyler to shake. Tyler looked down at it for a second before offering up his own. Reluctantly, if I had to guess. 

I peered behind Wes to look at the car he had just walked away from to meet us. "Is the Kidnapping Van yours?" I asked him without tearing my eyes away from the big gray monstrosity that was covered in dents and road stickers.

He laughed. I couldn't help but notice how easing the sound was as my tense shoulders relaxed a little. "I'd prefer if you didn't call her that, but yes." 

"Her?" Tyler questioned. 

He was ignored as Wes took the handle of my suitcase from me and began walking back over to the van. "Come on, Masonette. We have a fourteen hour drive ahead of us and we're wasting daylight."

I groaned. Fourteen hours? AJ told me it was only three. The manipulative bastard tricked me once again. Tyler and I trudged after Wes to the Kidnapping Van and he kindly listened as I cursed AJ under my breath. 

 Wes opened up the double back doors and lifted my suitcase into the surprisingly clean interior. "You want to put your backpack back here?" He asked as he held out a hand for it. 

"No. I'll keep it with me." He didn't seem satisfied with my answer so I added a "Thank you." 

He nodded, realizing the dismissal and shut the doors with a thud. Tyler stood silently next to me as Wes rounded the corner and we heard the driver's side door open and slam shut. I sucked in a sharp breath and turned to face Tyler.

He was still eyeing the door Wes had just shut. I reached two fingers up to his chin and turned his head to face me. "Do I get a goodbye?" I jokingly asked, nervous for some reason as I awaited an answer.

Tyler shook off whatever had momentarily occupied his head and lightly smiled at me. He leaned down to peck my lips quickly and pulled away before I could even really think about it happening. 

"I have to go." He lied. Doesn't he know I know when he's lying? I mean, we've been together five years. 

"Oh, ok." I debated prying for a good second, but what good would it do? I'm leaving so if we fight, it'll have to be resolved over a phone call. "See you soon. Love you." I added in hopes of a response.

But nothing. He's probably just having a bad day and needs a break. That's fine. I get it. I just wish he could put a little more energy in. I tried not to look disappointed as I started to turn. Tyler caught my wrist before I could fully face away from him and for one second I let myself hope he'd say something, anything.

"Don't do anything stupid, ok?" He asked in a hushed tone, concern masking his features.

I gave him another tight smile. "I won't." The question remained unsaid but we both knew what I wanted to ask. Why do you think I would?

I tore out of his grasp before it could grow into another awkward silence. I pulled open the passenger door and climbed in to see Wes just patiently waiting in the drivers seat. He turned the key in the ignition at my arrival and the van made a gurgling noise.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2021 ⏰

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