The life of balloon (season:2 episode:8)(the friendship)

Start from the beginning

(the door was open)

Balloon: (in her mind) am I allowed to come in? I wonder where the princess is...

(background: she won't know)

Balloon:(whispered) huh?

(balloon finds beth in her closet and talking to herself?)

Beth: that was a long time ago, Yeah so I have feelings for Kevin in the past...But I move on, My heart belongs to Ronald... nobody else... I wish that balloon is ok with me telling her my secrets...

Balloon: (in her mind) find the gem and get out of here...

(balloon ended up finding the memory gem. She grabs the gem and raced down to the main room)

Balloon: Got it... sorry I took so long, I just hear the princess... talking to herself... but anyways who wants to put it on?

Phone: I'll do it...

(balloon give Phone the gem and Phone put it on... and then)

Balloon: Huh? Why isn't it working?

Skull: what did you do?!

Phone: Me?! I didn't do anything I just put it on and it didn't do anything...

Balloon: it's said that the gem ran out of juice... I guess you two might have to tell the truth...
Phone: (sigh) fine... Me and Skull use to be best friends...

You see...

(Flashback: We started hanging out around the kingdom... we made each other laugh, we supported each other, and we did silly pranks... Until when it's Skull's birthday party, he told me that we shouldn't be friends anymore... and his new friends picked on me and calling me names like Bad magic Phone... it kept on going for 4 years, until you showed up and made me whole again... )

Balloon: (feels bad) Skull? Is this... true?

Skull:(nodded) yes, I felt so guilty when you told the story... But I wanted you to be my friend again Phone... And the truth is... My parents made me tell you weren't friends anymore...

Phone: Why should I trust you?

Balloon: Come on Phone give him another chance...

Skull: I can show most of my past... I hope it worked...

(Skull use the magic of his mind and brought the one memory of his true past)

Mrs. Death: Skull?! What's Phone doing here?
Young skull: Mother, he's my best friend...

Mr. Death: Nonsense, your friend of yours is a disgrace and an embarrassment of this family... you have to make friends, we provided from our friends...

Young skull: But they're so rude and mean...The princess said that we have to make friends that respect and being loyal to each other.

Mrs. Death: Ha! Really did the princess had friends who are loyal and kind to her? No, her parents decide which friends to play with her... So why not us... She just said it because she didn't have any real friends. Now go make friends what we decided and tell your "best friend" that your friendship with him... Is... Over.

(skull stopped his magic)

Skull: Phone, you're not weak... I was the weak one... and I was blind enough to not let our friendship destroy all because of my stupid, no-good, perfect parents... I'm sorry for everything... can we still be friends again?

Phone:(upset) I can't say we're friends that what you just did to me... But let's start all over... (smiles)

balloon:(heartwarming) So are you two cool to each other?

Phone: (nodded) yes...

Balloon: and that case we should go to sleep, I'm already tired...

Gabriel: Ms. Balloon I'm sorry to say that there's aren't any rooms available but... I decided to add beds to your room... Is that ok with you?

Balloon: Yeah, I'm ok with it... come on guys let's go to sleep...

(at their beds)

Skull:(whispers) Hey, balloon?

Balloon:(whispers) yeah?

Skull: (whispers) Thank you, for letting us staying here and helping our friendship... because of you, me and Phone can start over...

Balloon: (whispers) your welcome... I'm glad that we're friends. Goodnight skull...

Skull:(blushes and smiles) goodnight Balloon.


Echo voice: Hahahahah... maybe this girl isn't bad after all... too bad her parents is gone... I know Beth's secret...

The end of episode 8

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