"Thoughts On Life" (R.Allen)

Start from the beginning

     I am far from perfect at this very second. Still much better then most, “Men”.

     I am  truly either the last wild animal or the first real man.

     Then there was a time when I was totally unsure what to equate love with?


    You know why they say, “Dogs are Mans best friend”?

    Because they have so god-damn much in common.

Women, listen up! You know how a dog will beg, scavenge, hunt, and steal for food? (Etc.)

    Men will do the same for food, money and Sex.

They are total fuckin’ dogs.

    Believe me, I am a man. I have been a total fuckin’ DOG!

    As a matter of fact…there is still a crazy wolf inside me. But I am no longer a total fuckin’ DOG.

Thank you.

    Never depend on them for anything- not long term. Do for yourself first. Then…


Make sure he can do for himself first. Or you will just replace Mamma.

    Most men are over grown babies. Their toys. Their wants, needs, “Sports” their whine ass ways. Hey guys: seeing yourself here?

“Yea, fuck you too!”    


    A woman with poor, or NO maternal instincts-

Is a waste of skin.

    I love women. I think-behind every fucked up woman- Is a man…the one that helped fuck her up. (Daddy or whoever?) Seeing this is a “Mans” world. A very sexist place. To say the least. The environment already has a jump on the situation.


    Young people-Never feel obligated to have children.

Think of the world you’ll be bringing them into.

If you are not capable of loving and caring for them-TOTALLY!

Un Selfishly- DON’T HAVE THEM! I mean, be ready to put EVERYTHING you want and do-behind the needs of your child.

Do NOT have children for STUPID reasons.

Like- It’ll help our marriage.

If your marriage needs help, you sure the hell don’t want to throw a child in the mix.

WOMEN- To Hook a man. My biological clock is ticking?

So you don’t have to be alone?

     Humans, your children are not your Pets or slaves. They are not put on this planet to fill your unfulfilled dreams. Make sure you are raising them to be BETTER then you are.  To be the best person they “Themselves” are meant to be.

If you are NOT perfect. None of us are. Don’t expect your child to be. They are NOT mini me’s. Don’t push your belief system, likes, habits, mental problems, etc on- and at your kids.

    Sure the hell don’t let popular culture use their minds as dumping grounds for trash!

Until they learn to guard the gates of their minds. You help them. Teach Them.

    Do Not Think For A Second, School is Giving Them A Real and Complete Education. Instill in them the desire to, “Dig Deeper”, “Question Everything”.

    While I’m at it…

    Remind them the only real monsters in life are bad people. People with no respect for life. Anyone or anything’s. With NO conscience about the apparent disrespect.

     What are nasty ass, bad people best at? Pretending they are “Good” people.

    Gut instinct=subconscious knowledge.

    If it feels wrong, or don’t seem right, steer the fuck clear.



(Being it-feeling it-the reality)

     Here’s the “Mother Attitude”.

    Around your Mother you feel happy, safe, and warm. You know if you come in the house crying like a baby with a scraped up knee. Mom will Blow on it, kiss it better, put some medicine on it, a band-aid.

Everything will be alright.

     The Father attitude:

    Dad breezes in. Urges you to do good, be good, get well. Spends not much time with children but he never seems to be hurrying. He fills his child (children) with a warm feeling of self-reliance.

Kind of has the taste of “royalty” visiting the wounded. Never being condescending. Easy putting you in his busy schedule.

Know this:

    Neither of these is a gender thing. It Is Not a biological relation.

It Is An Attitude!

     Both parents should be able to take on the attitude. Cover for one another. Take up the slack.

    I take my daughter to the doctor. If it involves a “Female” condition-No, the wife will. But a cold, temperature. Yes. The only difference is. When I take my fourteen year old…She fills out the form. She communicates with the nurse. Gives them the insurance card and my license. I feel she is old enough to do these things and should.

This interaction is something she must know.

A skill set she’ll need.

Legal forms. Yea…

    So that is how I handle the “Mother/Father thing at the same time.

I may, and probably will write more in this manner.

But for now, think on these matters.


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