~Chapter One~

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It was the last game in the PeeWee finals. The Ducks versus The Hawks. It was the ultimate showdown. First to get to five wins. We were tied, and whoever won this, won the game.

"Who we thinkin' to take the last shot?" Coach Bombay asked. Connie had suggested Guy which led people to agree and disagree.

"Hey! What about Charlie?" Y/N offered.

"What about Charlie?" Coach though. He then had an idea.

"Yeah. Charlie! Come on, you're gonna take this shot. You been practicing that 'Triple Deke?" Coach asked.

"Yeah, but come on Coach. We might actually have a chance of winning if we-"

"Damn right we do." Coach interrupted. Charlie then put his helmet on and headed out to the ice.

"Come on, Charlie!" Y/N screamed with her friends. Charlie done a circle, kicked the puck with the blade of his skate and started his Triple Deke.



"Three..." He shoots!.... HE SCORES!! The Ducks had won the PeeWee championships! The rest of the Ducks sprinted out onto the ice to celebrate.

"You did it, Char!" Y/N exclaimed, hitting Charlie's helmet.

"No. We did it!" He exclaimed engulfing his childhood friend. You see, Y/N didn't always know how to skate or play hockey. Charlie was the one who introduced her to the sport and she fell in love with it, but not as much as he did. Charlie and Y/N had always been close, especially when Y/N's mother passed away due to a car crash; a drunk driver had ran a red light and smashed into the driver side door, causing her mom to die on impact. Charlie and his mom, Casey, had always been there for Y/N ever since. That was originally what brought Y/N and Charlie together.


"Ughhh." Y/N groaned as she shoves her head into a pillow, causing her best friend Charlie, to chuckle at her.

"What?" Charlie snickered.

"I don't wanna do homeworkkk." She groaned into the pillow causing Charlie to snicker once more.

"Wanna go see Jan?" Charlie asked. Y/N then jumped up at the thought of doing anything but her homework.

"Yes, please!" She exclaimed. Charlie then laughs at his best friend's eagerness as they both put on their shoes.

"Race ya there!" Y/N exclaimed, booking it to Jan and Hans Hockey Shop.

"You cheater!" Charlie exclaimed, running after her.


"Stop being such a sore loser, Charlie!" Y/N groaned as they walked through the back door of the shop.

"But you cheated!" Charlie pointed out.

"All is fair in love and war, Spazway." Y/N teased.

"Spazway. Really? So original, N/N." Charlie snickered as they went to sit on the couch but, they run into a sleeping Coach Bombay. They then look at each other mischievously.

"You thinking what I'm thinking?" Charlie asks.

"Oh yeah." Y/N smirked. The two "trouble makers" then made their way over to the skate sharpener and they started sharpening skates to wake up Coach Bombay. Not even two skate sharpenings later, Coach jerked awake from the noise, causing the two kids to snicker.

"I'm sorry, did we wake you?" Charlie teased, high fiving Y/N at successfully waking up their Coach who has been away, playing for the minors.

"Hey Charlie. Hey Y/N." Bombay said.

"Hey Coach."

"Hey Coach. We sure missed ya." Y/N said, hugging Bombay.

"Ah, you're awake just in time for breakfast. Jans famous Hasenpfeffer and e-"

"Hasenpfeffer and eggs." Charlie, Y/N and Bombay say simultaneously.

"Yeah, I thought I smelt something burning." Bombay teases. Charlie and Y/N laugh.


Charlie and Y/N had to leave to finish their homework. Of course, not before Y/N pitched a hissy fit about having to do her Algebra homework, causing Charlie to literally drag her out of the hockey shop.

Bombay had been sharpening skates and stocking hockey apparel for hours before he decided to take a break due to his knee. As he was going to sit down, he came across the newspaper clipping of last years PeeWee Championships.

"God look at Charlie and Y/N. My, they've grown." Bombay murmured.

"Yes. They do that." Jan smiled.

"You thinking about coaching?" Jan asked Bombay.

"Jan. Coaching the Ducks was one of the best things that happened in my life but I can't make a living out of that." Bombay stated.

"But, with my understanding Team USA of the Junior Goodwill Games are still in need of a coach." Jan persuades. Bombay snickers.

"Yeah, right. Why don't you give the Junior Goodwill games a call for me, alright Jan? Maybe I can sharpen their skates." Bombay teased, walking back to sharpen more skates.


"Hey Charlie. Can you help me with this problem?" Y/N asks, but she gets no answer. She looks over at her beloved friend to see he's blaring music in his head phones. She slowly got off the bed, walked towards the door, checked to see if he knew she was gone and when she saw he didn't move, she slowly crept up behind him, quickly pulled off one side of his headphones and screamed.

"HEY!" Y/N screamed in Charlie's ear, causing him to squeal and fall out of his chair. It was hilarious. Y/N was rolling on the floor crying while holding her stomach it was so funny!

"Oh. So you think that's funny?!" Charlie exclaimed.

"Uhm- uhm y-yeah!" Y/N cackled.

"Oh. I'll show ya what's funny." Charlie said, running over to his hysterical friend on the ground and started tickling her.

"Charlie! Stop! I- I c- can't breathe!" Y/N exclaimed.

"Well too bad!" He sneered. And, just as he is as about to charge at her again, they both heard a weird sound. Perhaps a Duck call?

"Hey Charlie!" Coach Bombay yelled from outside. Charlie came to the window and looked down with a smile.

"Y/N there?" Bombay asked the boy. Y/N then looked out of Charlie's other window.

"Hiya, Coach!" Y/N stated enthusiastically.

"Hey guys! Wanna play some Hockey?" Coach asked.

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