Almost Time

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Ellis had continued on with their day-to-day life as one does, sadly single, and without someone to act out their fantasy. While Leon spent his days counting down to when he could go on the hunt once more.

Well, both their predicaments would soon come tumbling together like two defectives following the same lead.

"What's with the sudden interest in Burners Street?" I turn my attention to my brand new coworker, never had one of those that I actually interacted with at this job. The young teen looked bored as he bookmarked his novelette.

"There are advertisements everywhere now... like, in every store, in the magazines, at school, in restaurants, everywhere." He finished his explanation with an exasperated sigh, if he hates it so much why work here?

"Excuse me!" A plump lady rings a tiny bell, shaking it in her hand, a little less, maid ringing that dinner is ready, and more angry child trying to get your attention. "I have been standing over there for five minutes waiting for one of you to help me, I preordered this damn book, I should've been handed it as soon as I walked in!"

"I'm sorry ma'am, but we don't work the floor, if you need help you have to come to the front desk. And remember, this is a book store, so try to keep quiet." I give her a thin smile and motioned for her to put away the little bell, before looking back at the kid and jerking my head back to the woman.

"Asshole.." I heard him whisper as he turned.

Going back to my doing nothing, I begin taking money and looking at price tags, when my day gets a whole lot more interesting. He walks in, the vampiric beauty that I saw a while back.

"Hello, back so soon?" I laugh at my newfound inside joke with him, though by his unamused glance to me I think it's one-sided.

"Good evening, how do you like working here?" The question startled me, as I recovered from the shock he had gotten close to the front dress and leaned his elbows on the softwood, letting his chin sit in his hand, the unamused look stayed but he tried to cover it up with this welcoming pose.

"Uh, the wage is really good, and the benefits are great, uhm, I like reading so that's nice." The man just slowly nodded and listened, no deeper thought happened beyond processing what I said.

"That's what I had hoped." He nodded and gave a sharp smile, he seemed pleased with himself.

As I had thought, my workers love their job, I mean, of course, they do. I pay them more than anyone else to stand around and do nothing, besides when they organize, that takes skill.

You can never trust timid men to get actual interviews done, they always just want to do it online, how would I read from those stupid chunky boxes, the blue light is horrible for one's eyes.

"You're getting a pay cut," I announced when I passed the portly man. His scared whimpers gave me an ego boost, but that's something I would never admit.

Walking around my manor to my special wing, for the Thursday of every week. Spreading my arms out and inhaling the sweet scent of dried blood and leather, I made my way down the hall into my dressing room.

"Welcome my Lord, are you ready for the hunt?" The people dressed head to toe in a maid get up stand in front of me, how embarrassing, how could anyone be caught dead waiting on someone's beck and call, wearing some uniform that makes you look like an extra in a period drama. Marvelous.

"Why yes, I am." I let my grin escape me and flash my pearly whites, fangs included.

Letting his servants dress and prepare him, Leon readied his mind for tonight's feast, he has been able to hunt in this town as long as he doesn't go so far that his doctors can't get to the victim, treating and hypnotizing them to make them forget, as well as not being able to notice the wound. It's quite impressive.

Looking out at the night sky Leon's own fantasies ran wild.

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