sagittarius: the thighs

97 8 13

much to say
            to swallow
            to steal
the neighborhood carrion-eater
dig your earth oven and bury your meal
before it rots
before the fruit ferments
and all the drink turns bitter
you're as poisoned as a thorn
                          and just as sharp
in the fullness
of your ways
i've never seen pride like yours
so clipping
open and engrossing like a lily
                                                a fire
                                                a jewel
to be is to consume
is to know is to comprehend
like a red desert understanding
its dry heat
somehow knowing there will be survival


November 22 - December 21 

Sagittarius rules over the thighs, the muscular strength of the body. They seek adventure, always looking outward, which can interrupt close, domestic relationships. 

my favorite sagittarius poets: rainer maria rilke, christina rossetti, jim morrison

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