tbh took the fanfiction

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Tbh: Hey Blaza, what are you doing?



Tbh: I'm curious now.

Tbh: I was just asking to be nice at first but you leave me no choice.

Blaza: What the heck Tbh.

Blaza: Why me.

Tbh: I don't talk to those guys anymore.

Tbh points at Meme and Socks, who were T-Posing over Laff and Nadwe. Monika was eating popcorn while watching the chaos and not trying to help her boyfriend.

Tbh: They scare me.

Blaza: Why? They aren't as scary as Muffin... Hey. Where is Muffin?



Blaza: I'm gonna pretend I didn't hear that but okay.

TBVG: Oh look, sane conversation. Hello there.

Blaza: Eyy sup?

TBVG: The roof.

Tbh: Get out.

TBVG left the scene because Tbh said so and since Tbh is the protagonist everyone does what he says.

Blaza: Anyways I'm gonna go, Maybe i could eat blades of grass

Tbh: Did you just... Quote Bill Wurtz?

Blaza: Maybe.

Tbh: You literally Just Did A Bad Thing.

Nadwe: It is spreading.

Blaza: GASP.

Tbh: GA- When did you get here, child.


Nadwe: I'm just going to leave now before we quote every Bill Wurtz song known to mankind.

Tbh: Good idea.

Blaza: Okay well I'm going to go NOT eat grass because eating grass is uncool and bad anND BYE!

Blaza rushed out and Nadwe shrugged before following him. Tbh went over to the papers on Blaza's desk and picked the first one up.

Super cool story plan (By Blaza)

Tbh Honest is a Short, Pretty and Remarkable YouTuber from Brazil. His life is going nowhere until he meets Blaza Plays, a Thin, Handsome man with a passion for Walking.

Tbh takes an instant disliking to Blaza and the Thoughtless and Clumsy ways he learnt during his years in UK.

However, when a Vampire tries to Slap Tbh, Blaza springs to the rescue. Tbh begins to notices that Blaza is actually rather Hopeful at heart.

But, the pressures of Blaza's job as a Detective leave him blind to Tbh's affections and Tbh takes up Hugging to try and distract himself.

Finally, when Mean Professional Simp, Nadwe _, threatens to come between them, Blaza has to act fast. But will they ever find the Amazing love that they deserve?

Tbh: Did Blaza just...


Tbh: I mean if Nadwe had a job that would be it but.

Laff: Ow mate! What are youse doin' around here?

Tbh: Did you know Blaza wrote cheesy romance irl fanfiction?

Laff: You didn't?

Tbh: Why am I hugging myself.

Tbh: I need to cleanse my eyes.

Tbh: Laff get the holy water.

Laff: Sure, mate. Whateves youse need.

Laff went, but not to get the holy water, but bleach since Tbh obviously needed something stronger. He just read Blaza's bad cringy self-shipping fanfiction. He probably also needed alcohol but since this story takes place in some version of the USA the author can't legally allow him to drink.

Tbh poured the bleach into his eyes and he suddenly felt a lot better, his magical protagonist powers preventing him from going blind or something.

Tbh: Thanks Laff, that helped a lot.

Laff: No problem mate!

Tbh: I'm going to go bury my head in a pile of pillows and scream, bye!

Tbh left Laff behind and found a pile of pillows and screamed into it.

Tbh: I quit being a protagonist.

Muffin: Oh hey there do you have food?

Tbh: I forgot I put the pillows in the basement.

Muffin: Was that a yes?

Tbh: No.

Muffin: f

Tbh: I am done. I don't want anyone else to confess to me again. Thanks. If someone else confesses to me I will actually scream.

Blaza: Oh hey Tbh! Do you have some free ti-


https://www.plot-generator.org.uk/2fozkms/along-came-blaza.html i will give this credit for blaza's fanfiction. i remembered this site existed to make a business name for school and decided to yknow. tbh took the kids.

thanks sphinx for helping me make up the term "irl fanfiction". i know you wont read this but ily <3

thanks bill wurtz for the Funni's

tbh took the kidsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora