"I'm sure it's not going to be that bad. He will see you're doing well and let you be. It makes sense they scouted you I mean you're pretty" Jenny said excited and Henry nodded.

Me, pretty? No.

"I'm not pretty" I blushed "it's probably because my face looks weird, they sometimes pick models because of their unique looks, right?"

"But you are pretty, silly"

"Yeah you think why Brian bothered you so much?"

"You think Brian thought I'm pretty?" I looked at Henry dumbfounded. But Brian was so mean to me?

"Ah he sure did. And he was complete dick with emotional maturity of three year old so his poor attempts at hitting on you were just his stupid jokes about your looks"

Which I never appreciated and only liked him less when he made any sorts of remakes about my appearance.

The incident when Henry took a beating from Brian gave me a chance to know him better, he was actually sitting with me and Jenny during lunch. We learned that he was Brian's victim as well, he was forced to do his homework and gave him his answers during exams.

I haven't realized Henry sitting with us would be a big deal but apparently it was which was proven the second Dan located me. Oh shit he stood up. The whole cafeteria was following his slow movement as he was getting closer and closer to our table. I was praying for him to have other destination until the very end.

Finally, Dan stopped in front of poor Henry who looked at him with fear.

"This seat is taken" Dan said sweetly but there was underlying threat in his voice that made me shiver.

"I-I'm sorry" Henry apologized and quickly left. He even forgot to take his lunch.

"What are you doing" I asked irritated.

"What am I doing? What are you doing, little girl. Who said you're allowed to hang out with boys?"

"Since when do I need your permission?"

"Since now" Dan responded not missing a beat.

"You think you can tell me what to do?" I tried to sound in a threatening way but I think Dan find it amusing because he smiled widely at me. 

"That's exactly right"

"What is up with you? Why the hell do I need your permission to do anything at all?"

"Because I'm responsible for you, second of all you're especially not allowed to talk to Smith's former cronies, ever. No matter what gender they are"

They were all boys, which Dan knew. I had to stop myself from giving him an eye-roll.
This was ridiculous.

"Listen" I tried to remain calm "Henry actually stood up for me when Brian was bullying me. He got beaten up because of it. We're just friends please just don't be like that"

Dan looked at me in silence for a moment and I could see he was considering his answer. Then, he sighted.

"Just make sure you stay friends. If I see him trying anything with you I wouldn't want to be in his skin" Dan said darkly and stood up from Henry's former seat but before he added "Oh, and you're going back home with Max today"

Well. I wasn't thrilled with the news but I accepted it as something I had no control over.

After classes ended I ended up with Max in his car, indeed. I intended to refrain from trying to talk to him like I did before. I still haven't forget what he said days ago.

"Dad said we will have family dinner every Sunday, attendance mandatory" Max broke the silence.

"Okay" I said curtly hoping it will be the end of the conversation.

"Why are you so quiet?"

"I thought you don't want me to bother you with my existence. That's what you told me when we first drove to school"

"I didn't mean it like that. I wasn't trying to say you can't speak to me ever, I just wanted to make it clear that I don't like to be bothered with useless nagging"

"So I'm quiet"

I could tell Max was frustrated, I didn't knew why. He didn't want me after all.

"I don't like that look on your face, you look like you were sad"

"Don't look then" I gave him simplistic answer.

"Listen, I might have been too harsh with you, it's not your fault that you showed up here, you didn't have a choice"

Don't cry, don't cry, don't cry.

It was a choked sob that triggered my escape response. I opened the car door and left. I didn't want to go to my room, in fact, I didn't want to be in this house at all.

It wasn't my choice. I didn't have a choice.

"Ellie, where are you going"


"You can't go out alone" Max said while following me.

"Leave me alone"

"I can't do that"

"Why? Why not? You don't want me in this house, just leave me here if someone happens that's good right?"

He grabbed my hand in gentle but strong grip, he wasn't harming me but I knew I wouldn't be able to get away even if I tried.

"Just because I didn't want you here at first doesn't mean I want something to happened to you I'm not that fucked up" Max said "I was angry at father but you were the only person I could take it out on. That's shitty, awful and I'm sorry, Ellie. I promise I will try to be a better brother to you wether you like it on you so don't run"

"What do you want me to tell you Max? You're angry I'm angry we're all angry. It doesn't change anything you didn't want me here? Well I don't want to be here I want to be with mom but she's dead and I can't do anything about I have nowhere to go and it's scaring me"

I didn't even notice when I started crying then he pulled me closer and hugged me. I didn't mind that I needed a hug. I needed someone to rub my back as Max was doing right now.

"I guess I won't receive best brother award this year" he half-joked but his voice had no traces of amusement.

"You can always win worst brother award" I joked and his embrace grew stronger, which I really liked.

"I don't think I want that. I want to do better" he whispered quietly and my heart melted.

Dear Readers,

I hope you like this chapter let me know what you think ❤️

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