Wednesday: Little

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Blaze and Isaac were in their playrooms cleaning up when they hear crying, they meet up in the hall and head to Luna's room to check on her when they get there Blaze instantly realizes that Luna was in little space so they went to her and picked her up and walked out the room Isaac following behind.

Blaze went into Luna's nursery and put her on the changing table and went to the dresser and took out a galaxy kitty footy onesie and grabbed a soother off the top of the dresser and walked back to Luna "Puppy can you go out for two seconds please?" Blaze asked, "Okay I'll be in the kitchen then" Isaac said and left the room.

Blaze changed Luna into the footy onesie and gave her the soother and she emmidiatly started chewing on it, Blaze smiles and picks up the little and walks out the room to the kitchen and puts Luna in a blue high chair.

Isaac was busy cutting fruit and putting it on a plate with stars and a moon, "There you go sweet girl!" Isaac said putting the plate in front of Luna "Do you want anything to drink baby?" Blaze asks as they open the cupboard "Wes pwease" Luna replies putting the soother down and she starts eating her fruit.

Blaze grabs a sippy cup with leopard spots on and puts it on the counter and takes the orange juice from the pantry and pours some in the cup then adds water and screws on the lid of the cup and shakes it to mix the juice and puts it down on the mini table on the high chair, "Tank you master!" Luna says and happily starts drinking. "Your welcome cupcake"

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