chapter 3

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Rookie walked near the base and felt like being watched until he saw a sightline of a sniper rifle.

Rookie: Well, well, well. If it isn't Good ol Mundy. How ya doing mate.

Sniper: Ahh, piss. The layzer got ya didn't it?

Rookie: Yea mate. Maybe turn it off before ya snipe.

Sniper: Professional's have standards.

Rookie: Yea, yea. I got the motto mate ya don't need to give me a heaps of it everyday.

Sniper: Argh, Ya Cheeky little bugger.

Rookie: You what mate? *Pull his bow with a arrow on it* Say that again ya bleeding bloke.

Sniper: Oi! Get in here and meet the Bloody team already ya wanker! *dodge the arrow* Nice Try mate but i'm better! *dodge another arrow and ran inside*

Rookie: Wanker, Didn't even see the bloody rope on it. *climbs the rope he tied on to the arrow* Say goodbye to your head wanker, cause i'm gonna bleed ya like a bloody roo.

Rookie entered the building and felt like someone sneaked behind him and points his arrow at the wall.

Rookie: Ya should've be more of a bug rather than a rat mate.

Someone in Baguette (get it): Looks like your more of a huntsman than a bushman.

The Person decloaks at the right side of the arrow.

Spy: I am known as the spy of this team and you must be our new team member. *hands out his hand* I am very surprised you've heard me.

Rookie: When ya live in the mountains ya ten to hear foot steps even in the snow mate.

Spy: Well it's time to meet your team. *lights his cigarette* Let's go.

Rookie: Ya like smoking do ya?

Spy: It make me feel très bon.

Rookie: Ya used to lived in france?

Spy: Yes before i became a hitman.

Rookie: Good one mate. I'm from good ol aussie.

Spy: Your that repulsive bushmen's relative aren't you?

Rookie: ya got me mate.

Rookie and spy walked to the locker room and saw a bunch of people.

Heavy: Spy what is this baby doing in here?

Soldier: Are you  a commie to?

Medic: Dummkopfs zat is ze sniper's cousins. Miss pauling called me in advanced cause me and ze engineer are ze only people she trust. She also told us to call him rookie.

Demoman: *Drunk rambling*

Pyro: *Being uh...pyro i guess?*

Scout: Hey four eyes where'd yo-- *dodge an arrow*Aghh!!! you could've took my head off?!

Rookie: Well ya better closed ya bloody mouth before i placed one right between your eyes ya little gremlin.

Scout: What is your major malfunction brother?

Sniper: Yea, I forgot to tell ya all that he has some trigger words ya never want to say to him.

Medic: What are zey before we die by him accidentally.

Sniper: Well there's wanker, *dodges arrow* Four eyes, *dodge another one* Asshole...

After hours of arrow dodging and insults later.

Sniper: And finally A bloody wank stain *dodge the last arrow* And that's all of them.

Soldier: Sorry but can you explain again Rookie Shot me in the head.

Medic: Zank you sniper, and rookie can you please get all of your arrows from ze walls please. Ze heavy and demoman are still crying over zere sandvich and scrumpy you shot while in a fit of rage.

Rookie: *Pant* Pant* Pant* Sure just give me a minute.

Soldier: I feel funny, funny man y do you have a bottle of water.

Medic: Soldier your talking to ze water dispenser. come to my office you Dummkopf. Danke Rookie.

Soldier: Coming scout after i get water from this funny man.

Demoman: Yar a devil! A DEVIL!!!

Heavy: Sandvich stay with me!

Scout: Is anybody gonna get me down from here?

Rookie: Yea, yea. Hold still ya little gremlin.

Scout: Why do you two always call me a gremlin?

Sniper: Cause he's telling the truth ya little gremlin.

Scout: I hate you guys so much.

Rookie: Keep saying that and ya wont get off of here.

Scout: Yeah, yeah. i know.

Rookie and sniper took off all the arrows in the room and placed the broken demoman and heavy as well as scout out side of the locker room so they can clean.

Rookie: Bloody hell one of my arrows are missing.

Sniper: Pyro has it. it was on fire so he brought it to his room. you'll die if you enter his rooom mate.

Rookie: Well i'll be getting my arrows back from him.

Sniper: Your funeral mate.

Rookie walked to the hall and knocked at the medics lab.

Medic: What do you want rookie?

Rookie: Where is the pyros room.

Medic: and why are you asking?

Rookie: He stole one of my arrows and i want it back.

Medic: In my medical opinion zat is...Stupid!

Rookie: Why?

Medic: I warn you do not go near his room. or you'll be traumatize.

Rookie: I heard it's suicide but i must do it...burry my corpse in the back will ya doc.

Medic: I zink zat will be impossible but i'll try.

Rookie: Bye doc.

Rookie was walking down the hall as everyone saw him committed to do it. Heavy and demoman saluted him for his bravery while the scout and engineer pray for his safety. As rookie was at pyro's door spy appeared and patted rookie on the soldier and left him a golden watch.

Spy: You'll thank me later.

Rookie: Um...sure thing mate.

as rookie open the door he can hear the roar of a flamethrower as he swallow his fear he open the door and enter the room. and the room was empty but suddenly the door closed and he felt the presence of a predator and raised his fist.

Rookie: Hey pyro it's me, Rookie. Can i have my arrow back please? *Hears a squeak from the floor* P-Pyro? You in here?

???: You should have knocked the door friend.

As the team we're waiting outside they can hear the sound of bloody murder and they all look at each other and slowly walked away as his voice grew even louder then there was a creepy amount of silence once they reach the end of the hall.

Sniper: Well We'll see him tomorrow then. See ya mates.

Scout: Yeah let's just leave him to pyro or we'll be next.

Everyone: yes.

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