"Why So Quiet?" [Macarbre_Day x Benevolent_Day]

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He leaned forward again and whispered to the struggling operative, "I guess if you're not going to talk, I'll get you to make some noise for me" he said, lust dripping from his words. While still pining the smaller operative down and holding his chin in place, Macabre slowly started to move his knee in a circular motion. The shorter operative immediately arched his back in pleasure and out a soft moan, Macabre could only laugh again. Benevolent bit his lip as several small moans slipped through, he wanted more. The taller operative continued these actions, watching how easily Benevolent broke under his touch, how much he affected him, how touch starved he was.

The shorter operative could feel himself reaching his limit already, the way Macabre teased him, moving in such a slow motion, the dirty things the taller operative muttered in his ear, it was heavenly for the smaller operative. He could feel himself starting to lose it, he arched his back expecting the pleasure but it never came. He looked down confused and saw that Macabre had removed his knee and was staring down at him with a smirk on his face. Benevolent immediately whined from the loss of contact and began to buck his hips upwards.

The taller operative merely stared at the operative below him with a look of amusement on his face, he slowly took his hand off of Benevolent's chin and rested it on top of the shorter operatives boner. The smaller operative froze while Macabre held eye contact with the blushing and whining operative and as Macabre moved his hand around, Benevolent let out another small moan and bucked his hips upwards even more. Macabre loved it, he loved seeing his former colleague completely submit themselves to him, whining for more.

Macabre leaned forwards towards Benevolent until their faces were mere inches apart, neither of them uttered a word, even the smaller operative stopped moving. They held intense eye contact until Macabre broke the thick silence. "Can I kiss you?" he asked, the smaller operative could feel his breath completely leave him. He could only nod slightly and whine, even more, he craved the taller operatives touch.

Slowly the taller operative attached his lips onto Benevolent's, and the smaller operative couldn't help but whimper. The kiss was slow, their lips moving in motion together. Benevolent went crazy as he tasted the other's lips, he kept his mouth shut as moans threatened to spill out. Macabre gently grazed the shorter operatives' lower lip with his sharp teeth, causing a short moan to slip out of Benevolent's mouth. The taller operative used this to his advantage and shoved his tongue into the whining operative's mouth.

The smaller operatives' mouth fell completely open as Macabre explored his mouth, his tongue running over every crevice. Benevolent gave up on being quiet now, he moaned every few seconds and continued to squirm. Macabre saw how eager the shorter operative was and slowly began to move his hand up and down the smaller operators dick, making Benevolent whine even more.

Macabre's hand started to trail upwards and finally stopped at the smaller operatives belt, Benevolent whimpered again. He bucked his hips upwards immediately as Macabre removed his lips from the whimpering operative below him, Benevolent muttered a few words due to the loss of contact. The taller operative harshly grabbed Benevolent's chin and bringing his face close to his and spoke in almost a whisper, "use your words come on". The smaller operative nearly melted from how Macabre was speaking to him, he struggled to find the ability to talk.
"M-more please a-sir" (FUCK NO IM SORRY THE STUTTERING) the shorter operative begged, he wanted the other's lips on his, he wanted to feel the pleasure.

Macabre cracked a rare smile and continued his actions. He attached his lips onto Benevolent's again, as he continued to move his hand up and down. Benevolent's heart lept when their lips connected, he loved it, he was desperate for more. He could feel the taller operative renter his mouth with his tongue and groaned into the kiss, he could feel himself starting to let loose as Macabre continued the actions with his hands. The taller operative bit down onto Benevolent's bottom lip and the shorter operative moaned and arched his back again with pleasure.

It was all so quick, the door to the locker room opened with a snap. Macabre detached his lips from Benevolent and shot his heads up, his eyes met with Radiant_Day who wore a shocked expression. The shock was immediately replaced with a smirk, the two operatives on the bench realized what position they were still in. Benevolent became even more flushed when he realized that someone had walked in, and nearly threw Macabre off of him when he heard the sound of a camera and flash. Macabre threw himself off of Benevolent and lunged at Radiant, attempting to get a hold of his phone and delete the photo. But Radiant was quick on his feet and bolted out of the locker room within seconds. The taller operative stood there with a look of defeat on his face, he turned around to face Benevolent who was a blushing mess and looked dazed.

"Let's go, we have night patrol anyways," Macabre said to the stunned operative, the smaller operative slowly sat up and hopped off the bench. Both of them snatched their belongings from the other bench and hurried out of the locker room. On their way out, Macabre bent down and muttered to the shorter operative, "we'll continue this later, alright?". Benevolent felt his legs stop working, he tripped over his own feet and recollected himself as Macabre laughed. They exited the theatre side by side, illuminated by the moonlight, with completely different thoughts from when they first entered.

Days Union Oneshots :)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang