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ight, so, Neko's....yep, that's it

I still don't know how to end a chapter ://

ok bye ✌️


Frank's POV


God, I hate wearing beanies in the summer but there's no other way to hide my cat ears so I have to make do. Neko's are extremely rare and I just had to be one of them, people will do anything to get their hands on a Neko like me and my mother seared only one rule into my brain: never let anyone see who you truly are.

I huffed out a sigh of frustration tugging on my jeans and nearly tripped over my own feet in return but finally secured them in place, making sure my tail was hidden before strapping on a belt through the holes. I hate hiding my tail, especially in jeans but sweatpants aren't an option. I once made that mistake when I went to Walmart on a hot afternoon, luckily my ears hide well in my black curls but my black tail was practically see through the sweats. Thankfully no one paid attention but I got one hell of a talking to afterward.

Slipping my phone into my jean pocket, I quickly looked myself over in a mirror to make sure the small bit of black eyeliner I put on hadn't smudged. I'm no makeup artist but I'm pretty damn proud of my work.

Bouncing down the stairs, my mother stopped me before I could get to the front door. I internally groaned at the annual check she does before I leave the house and even though I'm 17, I still let her do it just to make her feel better.

"Don't give me that face Frankie, I know you hate wearing hats in the summer but it's to keep you safe." I only nodded at her words and nearly sprinted towards my freedom once she gave me the 'ok' but composed myself quickly. She pulled me into a tight hug which, of course, I returned before finally being released.

"Make good choices!" My mother said with a smile.

"I always do," I responded before shutting the door, basking in the sun rays beating down on me. If I had the choice, I'd throw open my curtains and just sunbathe for the rest of the day but I already made plans with my friend Gerard to hang out so I guess I have to put that plan for tomorrow.

The walk to Gerard's house doesn't talk long, prolly about a mile or so but I never minded. His house shortly came into view and it wasn't long till I was standing on the porch. Knocking on the door, I waited patiently for Gerard's brother Mikey to let me in. Their parents are already at work, seeing how it's ten and Mikey's an early bird like me so it was only a matter of seconds before Mikey opened the door and gestured for me to get inside.

"You know the routine, coffees on the table and if that doesn't get him up, just slap him a few times; it always works." I gave Mikey a two-fingered salute in return and quickly grabbed the warm mug before heading downstairs.

If it wasn't for the half-drawn curtains, his room would be pitch black. I always joked saying he was a vampire with how much he loved the dark and rarely comes out of his room, it came to the point where he stopped fighting with me about it and just started agreeing.

I could barely see his black tufts of hair peeking out from underneath the blankets but the outline of his body was easy to find so I didn't have to worry about accidentally kneeing him in the groin, I learned from my mistakes from last time.

"Gerard," I whispered as I sat the cup down on his nightstand, "time to get up asshole."

I knew I wasn't going to get an answer so I climbed onto his bed and started to shake him violently, "Wake up motherfucker, we got plans today!"

I laughed when he proceeded to shove me off the bed and my back collided with the carpet, hearing his groans and curses words he muttered out as the bed shifted and he sat up.

"I told you to stop doing that," Gerard mumbled tiredly.

I shrugged and got back up on the bed, "I leave the slapping for Mikey, waking you up like this is way better for me."

Gerard shot me a glare and grabbed the mug. Gerard's a grumpy person in the morning, especially when I come around in the wee hours of the morning and forcing him out of bed so I let him enjoy his drink while I proceed to dig through his closet to find subtle clothing for him to wear.

"I don't understand how you're a morning person." I only hummed in response and handed him the clothes once he got up.

Thirty minutes passed and we were out the door. A new vinyl store opened up downtown a few weeks ago and we had yet to check it out, so I demanded we go there the next time we hung out aka being now.

I nearly purred in content when Gerard grabbed my hand and started to rub the back of it with his thumb but I swallowed down the urge. We're not dating but Gerard usually said that we were whenever he got hit on by girls, it doesn't bother me but it does get annoying when people constantly ask me why I'm 'dating' him.

Gerard doesn't know I'm a Neko. Even though he's my best friend, it's better to keep something's secret.

𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚𝙡𝙮 𝙡𝙞𝙩𝙩𝙡𝙚 𝙠𝙞𝙩(𝙩𝙚𝙣) Where stories live. Discover now