Chapter 10: Threats and Blackmail.

Start from the beginning

Darian- Excellent.~ You have chosen wisely indeed.~

Ethan- *Growling*

Darian- Then I will do my part and destroy the last file for good but you better not back out of your part or else.

Ethan- I won't! Ok?!?

Darian- Good, have yourself a goodnight, Ethan. Bye bye~

He hung up and I threw the phone on the floor hard.


I then began to throw whatever I saw on the walls, floors, and wherever but I was so angry that I didn't care!!


I then fell to the floor and I felt tears leaking out of my eyes, I haven't cried in a very long time but tonight is the night that was out of the window and soon I couldn't stop.

Ethan- *Sobbing*

I couldn't believe that now I'm forced to give Y/N back to Darian and now he will be away from me. Oh Y/N, why must this happen!? We will be apart from each other and I can't stand it!

Ethan's mind- I must make this heartbreaking choice for now Y/N but once you are out of this stupid-ass program, I will take you back and this time no one will do anything to break that. I promise you.

I got up and went to my bed to get some sleep for the next day. I now want to get as much time with Y/N as much as possible before that dreadful day I must send you away to that son of a bitch. I plopped on my bed and closed my eyes and fell asleep soon after.

(Timeskip to the next morning)

(No POV)

Y/N got up for work and drove off to the warehouse. Once he got there, there was a sign that said "free breakfast in the second-floor break room". Y/N couldn't turn down free food so he went to the break room and when he got there, he was amazed.

 Y/N couldn't turn down free food so he went to the break room and when he got there, he was amazed

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He looked and saw that Ethan was standing there

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He looked and saw that Ethan was standing there.

He looked and saw that Ethan was standing there

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Ethan- Good morning Y/N.~

Y/N- Morning Ethan, what's this about?

Ethan- Just wanted to do something nice for all of you guys, a little boost to start your day.

Y/N- Wow.

Ethan- Come Y/N, grab yourself a doughnut and a cup of hot coffee, and relax for a bit.

Y/N grabbed a couple of doughnuts and a cup and sat down at a table, Ethan sat next to Y/N and the two men talked for a while enjoying some good food and a cup of joe.

20 minutes later......

Y/N was in his area putting boxes in the trucks and deliver cars and this was his duty for the next seven hours but he thought it was a normal day for him. Ethan was watching in his office looking at Y/N doing his job and couldn't help but feel warm inside. Ethan will think of a way to have Y/N to himself in the future, but for now, he must stay put.

Ethan- Soon Y/N...soon.

But then he saw Y/N with a worried and stressed face and was going around the place. Ethan was concerned and went to see what was wrong. He caught up with Y/N and asked him what the problem was. 

Ethan- What's the matter Y/N?!

Y/N- Sir, I got a problem...look.

He revealed what was in his hand and it was a smashed phone in many pieces. 

Ethan- *Gasp* What happened?!

Y/N- My phone dropped out of my pocket and when I was about to get it back, a car crushed it from behind.

Ethan was getting mad at this but he remained calm on the outside.

Ethan- I'm sorry for this Y/N.

Y/N- No sir, it's my fault for this, I wasn't being careful with my personal belonging. 

Ethan- I'm glad you were honest Y/N but still I feel bad that this happened to the thing you need the most and it's in my warehouse. Y/N...come with me. 

Y/N followed Ethan to his office and when they arrived, he closed the door behind them and went to his desk to get something. Y/N was very confused but soon he was shocked to see what was in his hand. He held a fancy-looking credit card.

Ethan- Y/N, I want you to use my card to buy yourself a new phone and everything you need with it.

Y/N- S-s-s-s-sir, i-i-i-i cant.

Ethan- Yes you can Y/N, don't worry about the cost I will pay for it later.

Y/N was shocked to see his Boss give him his card to use for phone shopping. He felt wrong with this but at the same time, he needed a phone if he is going to work at his best.

Y/N- Sir, I owe you hugely. Thank you for trusting me with your money. 

Ethan- I trust you Y/N, you're an honest man and I respect traits like that. Now go, you are excused for the day.

Y/N went out the door and got to his car and now was going to go phone shopping and he has a whole wide selection to look at, maybe he might get a certain kind of phone that has an apple logo on it. Will he? Who knows.

(End...for now)

Good night everyone! :)

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