Chapter 6: Meeting Ethan.

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(Y/N's POV)

I woke up getting ready for the next day of work thinking about the dinner last night. I had a great time and I got to know Darian more so I think that is a win too. Once I got dressed, I went to the kitchen and ate my breakfast when I got a text message.

(Darian, CEO messages)

Darien: Good morning Mr.Y/N. Hope you have a great morning and ready to start another day of work.

This was a unexpected gesture but that is a nice one nevertheless. I texted back a response.

Y/N- Thank you Darian, hope you have a good morning as well. 

Then he texted back immediately like lightning speed. 

Darian- Thank you. I had an amazing time last night and maybe if you like we can go to one of basketball games upcoming soon, just you....and me.

A basketball game huh? Never been to one, that would be an experience I would never forgot. He is such a nice CEO, just never that nice.

Y/N- Sure thing, cant wait till then. Well I'm still eating and prepping to leave so I'll talk to you later.

Darian- Ok then, talk to you soon bye.

Then our text conversation ended and went back to eating cereal. Once I did, I checked to see if I had everything......I did and grabbed my keys and headed to my car to head out.


I arrived on time and instead went to the back of the store as I got my keycard. I clocked in and went to the locker rooms to put on vest on and go up to Lucas and see what he wants me doing today. I went to Lucas and see he was doing paperwork.

Lucas- Ahh morning Y/N.

Y/N- Good morning sir.

Lucas- So heads up, I don't know if you knew this but today is amazon prime day and we got trucks coming in with packages that need to go to the Amazon lockers we have in the front of the store.

Y/N- Prime day today? I didn't even check.

Lucas-Well the more you know, anyway I want you today is to do receiving of those packages and put them in the correct assigned locker numbers and locking them with a special key I'll give to you. Any questions?

Y/N- Yes........can I listen to music while I do it?

Lucas- As long as you do your job effectively and if it keeps you focus, knock yourself out. Anything else?

Y/N- No thats basically it.

Lucas- Good, here is the key and come back if your done or have any questions.

Y/N- Got it. See ya.

I went out of the office and headed to the back of the store and while I was headed there. I heard a voice calling my name and I turned around to see Rachel.

Rachel- Hey Y/N!

Y/N- Oh hi Rachel! Hows it going?

Rachel- Oh you know, just doing my job which by the way I'm just walking around pretending to act busy but really just taking a walk. Well, what about you? How was the dinner last night?

Y/N- Oh well it went well with him. Just chatted into the night and ate food that looked and tasted exotic to me. 

Rachel- Well at least you didn't make a fool of yourself right?

Y/N- Yeah.....right. Well cant have the boss yell at me for not working and sees me chatting so I'll catch you later.

Rachel- Sounds good. See ya later.

Our darling employee~(Yandere Various CEO harem x Male worker reader.)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora