Chapter 3: Drinking

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Pilar's POV

I rolled my eyes and pushed past many bodies through Marc's house, sickening music and the suffocating smell of sweet, blissful and burning alcohol. I changed from searching for some space to searching for a drink. When Pilar wants a drink, she gets one. 

"Hola," a man whom I did not recognize gave me a slick smirk and handed me a red solo cup, "you look like you're wanting one pretty badly."

"How about you take a swing first." I replied, an eyebrow raised. 

"A smart girl, I see." He chuckled. He took a sip non-hesitantly and glanced down at me. "Nothing in it dear, I can get you in my bed sober, I don't need help."

"I'll take the drink," I laughed, "but I'm surely not getting into your bed anytime soon, I reassure you that." I said, spinning on my heel and walked somewhere, anywhere. Although I know he wouldn't be able to do anything to me, he still gave me a weird feeling. 

I found the deck and went outside where few people actually were and I dumped the drink off the railing. The loser didn't actually drink any of it, I'll probably 'bump into him' in an hour or so. He would be checking in on me to see how fucked I was. But he'll be surprised to see me practically sober. 

"Pilar, don't be a loser." Marc chuckled and came next to me, handing me a beer. Finally, I can actually get something and not have to question it. "The party's inside."

"I don't know Marc, it's pretty exciting out here." I referenced to the empty yard and the chilly breeze. He sighed heavily.

"If you want to go back, I'll call you cab. I'll be inside." He ducked back into the mess of bodies while I leaned onto the railing. I feel like I'm in a book or a movie, and any second now the love of my life, my soulmate will walked through the glass doors and come share a few intelligent words and we'll have a slow, passionate kiss. 

"Look, it's the buzz kill." A familiar, cocky, arrogant voice sounded and he walked next to me, breaking my surreal fantasy. Neymar. 

"Look, it's you leaving me in peace!" I exclaimed hopefully.

"Look, it's me not doing that." He smiled and stood next to me. "Having fun out here?"

"It's been a real blast, I assure you. Can't you tell how much fun I'm having out here?" I said sarcastically and took a sip of my beer. Oh how I wish I could be drunk without drinking. A girl can only dream. 

"Someone's in a bad mood." He stated. "Maybe you need another drink."

"Maybe annoying football players shouldn't bug me when I try to get alone time." I replied.

"Maybe you shouldn't look for alone time at a party." He said matter-of-factly. He was right, but I wasn't going to hint that to him of course.

"I would be having alone time if you weren't harassing me." I snapped back, but all in good fun. Or so he assumed, apparently. 

"Pilar, Pilar, Pilar. You'll change your mind pretty quickly." He said, me not knowing exactly what he was referring to. "And I'll be here."

Whoop, there it is. "Nope."




"Bye." I gave a sickly-sweet smiled and he left without another word. Can he really not?

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2015 ⏰

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