Nate VS Guerro

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Nate, Ella, and Chase began climbing up, quickly finding a way out of the chamber, leaving Dante behind; as the three climbed up the rope and onto a platform, the three quickly ran into cover seeing Dante's men roaming around the place.

"More of Dante's men, they must not know the war's over, alright, wait here", Nate stated as he and Ella pulled out their pistols

"Fat chance", Chase said, pulling out another pistol which surprised both Nate and Ella

"You took Dante's gun", Ella asked

"Yeah, like he said, I need to start taking care of my own business", Chase stated

"Chase, listen to us, for some things... there's no turning back", Nate said

"Well, it's too late to worry about that now, isn't it, you ready", Chase asked

"Yeah, ok, but stay behind us", Nate stated as the three got up and ran forward; the goons were gone, allowing them a way forward, but they knew that there would be more ahead; climbing up to the next platform, they were immediately spotted, which the three began shooting as they moved forward; with the goons gone, the exit was in sight, leaving the chamber, the three neared the detonator switch.

"Here it is", Chase said

"Yeah, okay, listen, once I push this, we haul ass, okay, there's no way to shut it off", Nate stated, grabbing the detonator as both Ella and Chase nodded their heads, Nate looked at the door, hesitating to push the button

"Come on, what's the matter", Chase asked

"He was right", Nate said

"What are you talking about", Chase asked

"He can't do it", Ella stated in a calm tone

"Nate", Chase said

"I can't bury him alive", Nate stated

"He just tried to kill you", Chase argued, "Quivira is poison Nate, it killed my grandfather; I'm not letting it kill anyone else",

"Chase wait", Ella called out as Chase grabbed the detonator

"I can't", Chase said, pushing the button and throwing the detonator aside, "I'm sorry",

"Ah crap, we gotta move", Nate stated, the explosives' timer counting down, as the three cleared the platform in front of the doorway, the explosives went off; the whole temple began to come down, as the three moved forward, both a mixture of Dane's and Guerro's goons came around in an attempt to stop them in their tracks; however, with the temples condition, movement and space wasn't good for either side, as Nate, Ella, and Chase neared the exit, Guerro appeared with a rocket launcher, and blasted a column, making it fall

"Look out", Chase shouted as the column fell, a smaller column landing on Chase's ankle, Chase passing out at the same time

"Chase", both Nate and Ella called out in unison, trying to move the column

"Come on, don't give up on us now", Nate said

"Senior Drake, Senorita Davis, I'm so very pleased to see that you are well", Guerro said, "there's no need to mourn the senorita, you both will be joining her",

"Come on, Guerro, look around, can't you see... whole place is coming down", Nate stated

"I see perfectly, I assure you, it is you that are blind, do you see this, Senor Drake", Guerro asked, holding up his rocket launcher and firing it at the two, both Nate and Ella jumped away from each other, dodging the rocket

"Ah... nice little upgrade from your toy sword, did you get tired of cutting ropes", Nate asked in sarcasm

"This, this is all that's left of my army, the revolution is over; tell me, Senor Drake, Senorita Davis... what's a general without an army", Guerro asked once again

"Oh, I don't know... unemployed", Nate stated in sarcasm

"He is nothing, I have but one cause left; I will die here today, but you two, you two will die with me", Guerro stated, holding up the rocket launcher once again

"Talk, talk, talk, come on Guerro... stop feeling so sorry for yourself, so some Jersey street punks kicked your ass; not the first time you've lost, right", Ella asked

"And you can always get a job beating up defenseless women... maybe some kids", Nate added

"Seriously", Ella muttered, slapping Nate on the back of his head

"Yes, you are so right, enough talk", Guerro stated, readying his rocket launcher

"Get Chase, I'll deal with Guerro", Nate muttered

"No, I'm not letting you go by yourself", Ella said in a hushed voice

"No time, now go", Nate stated, pushing Ella out of the way as a rocket flew in between them, Nate ran forward as Ella ran back to Chase, Guerro was focused on Nate making Ella's job easy

"Chase, come on, get up", Ella asked, attempting to lift the column, but it wouldn't budge; looking out from cover, Guerro was looking around, Nate was climbing underneath the bridge Guerro was standing on; Ella quickly hid as Guerro launched another rocket at her; as Guerro was reloading, Nate hit him from behind, Guerro dropped his rocket launcher as both Nate and Guerro began to fight, 

"What's... going on", Chase mumbled

"Chase, thank goodness you're ok", Ella said, looking around she ended up finding a wooden beam and stuck it under the column, lifting it up as Chase scooted out

"Where's Nate", Chase asked

"Fighting Guerro, can you stand", Ella asked

"Not sure", Chase said as then Ella helped her up, Chase put her arm over Ella's shoulder as the two began moving; looking over, both girls watched the fight between Nate and Guerro, both were trapped and the odds weren't looking good for Nate as Guerro pulled out the Sword of Stephen

"Nate, look out", Ella called out as the two men kept on throwing punches, it was clear that Nate couldn't hear her

"You care about him, don't you", Chase asked

"...Yeah", Ella said

"You should tell him, one of these days", Chase stated

"I don't wanna ruin what we have now", Ella mumbled, loud enough for Chase to hear, both girls turned their heads towards Nate, he flipped Guerro over him and onto the bridge; but, due to the fire, the bridge was weak and collapsed, sending Guerro down to the depths to the cavern

"Ella, Chase", Nate called out

"We're fine", Chase called out

"We'll meet you up there", Ella added

"Alright, just be careful", Nate stated as the two girls moved forward, eventually reaching Nate

"Nate, Chase's hurt", Ella stated as then Nate put his arm around Chase's shoulder, helping her out

"Come on, we'll get you fixed up, don't worry", Nate reassured, the three quickly getting out of the temple, only to run into a dead end.

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