Through the Jungle

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"Hold on, hold on", Sully said, putting his paddle down,

"What's the matter, you're not getting tired are you", Nate asked

"Ugh... what, after three days of paddling upstream in the heat, and the goddamn mosquitoes and piranha, perish the thought", Sully stated

"You sure, you're looking a little stiff", Ella said

"That's what Consuela said... a little sweety I left back in Bogota to come up here and play games with you guys", Sully stated

"Alright, I don't want to hear it, now you're just stalling", Nate said

"No, no, so uh, how much farther did you say it was", Sully asked

"Well, I didn't... you dropped the GPS into the river by accident, remember", Ella said

"You still got a goddamn map, right", Sully asked

"I don't know, we're close, as soon as we reach the aqueduct ruins, we head inland, alright, come on, you ready", Nate asked

"Well, y'know kids, I've been up shit creek plenty of times... but the first time I've had a paddle", Sully said

"That's not what Consuela said", Nate said, as the three continued forward, through the water, "couldn't afford a motor, you know... maybe an outboard, or something",

"And miss all this exercise, besides, I thought the whole idea was to sneak in the back door... quietly", Sully stated

"They make quiet motors", Nate said

"Not in our budget, now, maybe if you all found some more of those gold coins..." Sully said "keep your fingers out of the water... unless you want to lose them",

"What, why", Nate asked

"Piranha... entire river's infested", Sully stated

"True, piranhas are in this part, but I'm not sure how north they can go", Ella said

"I know what the book says... but I'm telling you, I've seen 'em", Sully stated as the three continued paddling until they reached a fork in the road, "ok, kid, you got the map, which road",

"The one less traveled", Nate teased as Sully slapped the back of his head

"Damn, how about one with less mosquitoes", Sully asked

"Put on more of that shitty cologne, god, that'll keep the jaguars away", Nate stated

"Smart ass, huh, don't forget, you are down stream of me", Sully said, splashing Nate

"Guys, stop fighting, please", Ella asked

"I think we're here, yeah, we go left", Nate stated

"Are you sure", Sully asked

"Of course, I'm sure, come on, how do you get lost on a river", Nate asked as the three continued forward

"Nate, are you sure this is the right way", Ella asked

"Let me see the GPS... oh", Nate teased making Sully roll his eyes

"Nate, can I see the map, please", Ella asked, Nate pulled out the map, both Nate and Ella looking at it, eyes widened

"Seriously Nate", Ella said

"Uh, Sully, I had the map upside down, paddle backwards", Nate stated

"What, why", Sully asked

"Just paddle backwards", Ella stated

"Ok, ok... holy shit", Sully said as he noticed the giant waterfall in front of him, the three wasted no time paddling backwards and away from the waterfall, to safety, "Nate... are you trying to kill us",

"Sorry... Sully... it's not like I've ever done that before", Nate said

"Oh really, I guess we forgot that little fiasco down in Angkor Borei", Sully stated

"Hey, I did not have the map upside down, that time... I just had the wrong map", Nate said, "why do you always bring up Angkor Borei",

"Sully never drops things, you should know this", Ella said

"Should I remind you about your fiasco in Borobudur", Sully asked

"How was I supposed to know that there was a trap there", Ella stated making the two guys laugh

"Guys, quiet down, Guerro's men are ahead, you two keep rowing, I'll take care of these guys", Sully stated

"What are you going to shoot 'em with, tobacco spit", Nate asked

"Remember I said we couldn't afford a motor, this little baby is why", Sully stated, holding up a rocket launcher in shape of a handgun

"Better to be safe than having no weapons at all", Ella said as she and Nate continued paddling forward as Sully shot at the roaming goons in the area, once all were gone, Sully joined in

"These the ruins we're lookin' for", Sully asked

"They must be, Aqueducts... yeah", Nate said

"I thought only the romans built this stuff", Sully stated

"Not really, there are other Aqueducts all over the world, by the looks of it; the Quivirans did too", Ella explained, "it was one of the reasons that Marcos thought he was on the trail of the Spanish Bishops",

"Uh, guys", Nate called out, looking at the boat, there was a hole in it, and it was slowly going down

"Oh shit, come on... we gotta get this tub to shore before it sinks and we're fish food", Sully stated as the three paddled fast, making it to shore as the boat sank, "shit, and there goes the rest of our gear",

"Damnit, Sully, we told you to wear your pack", Nate stated

"I know, I know, I should have listened", Sully said

"Hey, at least we're here and in one piece, let's find a way across this river", Ella stated as the three ventured forward finding a way across the river and into more ruins.

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