Bucky - John Walker

Start from the beginning

Everything else in our relationship remained the same. Normal schedules, still affectionate, still caring, and still having sex. I did make sure that he was always using a condom though so imagine the pure shock and horror that ran through my body when I saw the second line on the little pink stick in my bathroom.

And of course, John just had to barge in and see for himself so there was no hiding it. He knew, and he planned to tell the world so that I was even more entangled in his trap. And that's what he did.


It was a day before they planned to ship John off to start working on the Flag-Smashers. They flew me and John out to his old high school to do an interview on the field about life as America's power couple behind the shield.

When we sat down with the interviewer I plastered on my fake smile and tucked my hair behind my ear. "So how does it feel to earn the title of America's Power Couple?" The interviewer asked with her annoyingly cheery tone.

I just sat silently and smiled while I let John do all the talking through the first few questions. I would squeeze in a few words every now and then to make it seem like I wasn't avoiding them but I would really rather be anywhere else than here.

Suddenly, John placed his hand on my thigh and gripped it a little when she asked us, "So everyone's been wondering. Do you guys have any plans on having kids in the future?"

My heart sank and my smile faltered a little bit as his grip tightened on my leg. "Well, actually...we were planning on keeping it a secret for a little while longer but we just found out that Y/n is pregnant!"

"Oh my god, that's great news! Congratulations!" The interviewer yelled out before pulling us both in for separate hugs.

That thankfully got John's hand off of me and I quickly stood up and said, "Yes thank you, but I'm actually feeling a little sick if you wouldn't mind finishing this up without me."

She smiled and waved me away before John could say something to make me stay. "Yes, of course! I hope you feel better, and it was nice getting to talk to you." With that, I quickly excused myself and hurried into the locker rooms to catch my breath.

I was pacing around, hyperventilating as the tears streamed down my cheeks. Now the whole world knew and there was no getting away from it even if I wanted to. Everyone was expecting me to be in this perfect relationship with this imperfect man and raise America's next poster child together. God this was all such a mess-

"Who do you think you are? Walking out on me like that!?" John stormed into the locker room and pushed me up against the cold concrete wall. "You're gonna have this baby with me whether you want it or not. And don't you dare think that-"

"John, the General wants to see you before he leaves for the night." Sam announced in a very distasteful voice as he and Bucky entered the locker room. John took a step back from me and pretended to wipe my tears away while they looked over the both of us. "You guys alright in here?"

John nodded his head and waved off the question as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder and pulled me into his side. "Oh yeah, we're good. Just her hormones. You know how moody women can get sometimes!" He continued to laugh it off as he grabbed his bags and threw them over his shoulders. "I'll see you out by the car in a few minutes Y/n."

Once he left I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in. Both boys walked over to me and looked at me concerned. "What was all that about?" Sam asked as I wiped the rest of my tears with a paper towel in the mirror, making sure not to mess up my mascara.

"Hm? Oh, it was nothing. Just a little argument."

Bucky eyed me in disbelief before saying, "Well it's nice to see you again. The team hasn't seen you in months. Congratulations on the baby by the way-"

"Stop." They both furrowed their brows at me and I smiled back at them. "I know you guys don't like Walker, and that's fine, but I've had enough fake ass congratulations to last me a lifetime. So please, save your breath."

They both nodded their heads and watched as I walked over to where my purse was sitting and bent down to grab my phone. The skirt of my dress rose up just enough to expose the dark bruise on the back of my thigh and I heard both boys whispering. "Damn, Y/n. That's a bad bruise." I quickly covered it up and grabbed my purse. "How'd you get it?"

My mouth opened but no words were coming out. "I um, I-I just fell on-"

"Please stop doll." Bucky said as he walked towards me. I took a half step back which said all that it needed to for them to confirm their suspicions. "We're not gonna hurt you Y/n." I nodded my head as another tear fell ran down my cheek.

There was a short silence in the room which Sam broke by asking, "Does he hit you?" My breath caught in my throat as I bit my lip and looked down at my purse and phone in my hands. My phone started ringing and when I saw it was John my eyes widened. Sam walked over to me and checked my phone before turning it off and sliding it back into my purse. "You don't have to go back with him tonight."

I looked between him and Bucky as my breathing was getting faster, "No. No, you guys are wrong." I backed up and started for the door to leave. "I have to go, he's waiting for me and-"

Bucky grabbed my arm to stop me, just hard enough to keep me in place but I could still feel the gentleness behind it, as if he wanted me to know he wasn't doing this to hurt me. "Doll, if you think for one second that we're gonna let you go back to him, you've gone insane. You're coming with us back to the compound."

When I looked into his eyes I could tell that there was no debate to be had so I nodded and let him pull me into a tight hug. I held myself together just long enough for the boys to lead me out the back door and around the crowds to the quinjet.

Just as we got in and closed the doors, John called me again. Bucky snatched the phone out of my hand while Sam started to fly us back to the compound. "What do you want?...No, you can't speak with her...Good luck, she's not there anymore...She's coming with us and the general will be receiving a full formal report about you by morning, so get to unpacking because you're not going on that mission either."

He hung up and handed the phone back to me as I set my purse down an empty seat. He pulled me in for another hug and rubbed my back as I finally allowed myself to let go. I buried my face in his chest as I cried and ruined the makeup I tried so hard to save.

Bucky slowly walked us over to an empty seat and pulled me onto his lap while he held me tightly. "I can't have this baby..."

He looked down at me and moved the hair out of my face before using his thumbs to wipe away my tears. "Sure you can doll. You're going to be a great mother and you have an entire family to help you once we get back to the compound."

"I haven't even been to the doctors yet. I don't know how far along I am."

"Well we can have Bruce do a full body check when we get there if you're okay with that. That way he can check on you and the baby at the same time."

I nodded my head and looked up at him nervously. "Will you stay with me? Steve would normally be there but-"

"Of course doll. You don't even have to ask. I'll be here for you through the whole thing."

We both smiled at each other and he gave me a soft kiss on the forehead before gently laying my head back on his chest.

This was what love was supposed to feel like.

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